--- title: "Elicit" enableToc: false # do not show a table of contents on this page --- Authored by:: [[P- Brendan Langen]] AI research assistant that provides assistance with Lit Reviews, abstract summarization, claim validation, and many more features. Elicit is built for academics and research professionals using GPT-3. Elicit performs a large number of tasks, to which some are shown below. ![[Pasted image 20211220155223.png]] One prominent feature is to perform a lit review as it relates to a question, seen here. ![[Pasted image 20211220155342.png]] Responses are generated that fit the natural language query. ![[Pasted image 20211220155413.png]] The model can then be trained to specify answers that match your search, bringing the human into the loop. https://twitter.com/i/status/1440380523180818440