# anime it should be known that i'm quite a fan of anime. in general, i consider anime anything that is listed on [AniList](https://anilist.co). generally, my watching habits are all over the place, sometimes i binge watch an entire season, or i'll watch over a few weeks. i'll usually only watch shows that have finished airing - this allows me to watch the series in whatever way i choose. much better than being forced to wait a week every time :) ## how i watch anime my usual setup is [mpv](https://mpv.io) through [Taiga](https://taiga.moe). mpv because it is simply a great piece of software, and Taiga (mostly) for the automatic episode tracking. every episode I watch is updated on [my AniList profile](https://anilist.co/user/tda) immediately after i finish watching. ## why i watch anime because i'm bored.