# Welcome to the [[Agora of Flancia]]! **This [[Agora]] is a [[Knowledge Commons]].** If you don't know what the above means (yet), don't fret: it just means it is a space that a community can build by pooling together resources, information, intentions. The Agora tries to integrate user contributions into a useful social (higher level) construct while preserving individual voices. When you visit an Agora location, you visit a [[node]] in a shared graph -- which depending on usage can mean a **topic**, a **pattern**, or just an arbitrarily named **location**. There you will find all resources that the Agora thinks have a claim to *be* in that node, either directly by name or indirectly by association. By default all relevant resources will be shown one after the other, but more sophisticated interactions are possible. **If you would like to join this Agora, please refer to [[Agora signup]].** The [[Agora Platform]] you are (likely) reading this in is [[Free Software]]. If you would like to contribute or are interested in running your own Agora, please refer to [[Agora install]] and consider joining [[Flancia Collective]] or reaching out to a member. We are a loose collection of people who [[work in public]] developing this Agora. Thank you for visiting the Agora. May you be happy!