## Agora Meet [[2022-10-22]] - Attending: [[flancian]] [[bouncepaw]] - #push [[bouncepaw]] - deletes old/less than strictly great posts in mastodon, e.g. https://lor.sh/bouncepaw - https://melanocarpa.lesarbr.es/hypha/удалённое_из_мастодонта - Had a funny bug with the link above in [[Jitsi]], it got replaced with `https://melanocarpa.lesarbr.xn--es/hypha/__-6ijca9cen1bs1d0aqaiqhb5f3ael56b`. This is a really weird bug. See [[punycode]]. Maybe report it? [[TODO]] - [[expirator]] workflow also has ingestion/curation aspects - tinder-like swipe right swipe left ui idiom - What are we missing to prototype some automation? - Consciousness/taste emulation -> ML something (this is labelling) - ludditic - [[anthropocentrism]] as an example of the kind of development we can do while we transfer ephemeral conversations to digital gardens - [[neil]] has written about [[streams to gardens]] - Timur made a pull request: https://github.com/flancian/agora/pull/18 - We found a bug in the server related to extension handling, Flancian hacked on it - [[agora doc]] deadline is on Wed (!) - [[fellowship of the link]] - [[agora]] - [[massive wiki]] - [[marc antoine parent]] -> [[canonical debate lab]] - [[Devine lu Linvega]] couldn't make it due to low bandwidth (10 kb/s) - They have a conworld: https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/neauismetica.html - Music under nickname Aliceffekt - P.S. Checked if available on [[Yandex Music]]. Surpsingly, yes! (Yandex Music is a Russian music streaming service) ## Agora Meet [[2022-08-28]] - Attending: [[flancian]] [[ladee]] [[neil]] your_name_here :) - [[working in public]] - [[agora pkg chapter]] - [x] [[edit]] - [x] edit - [x] edit <- now working - [x] write - [ ] export to docs - footnotes don't export well by copy/pasting :) - might be a good ocassion to do it properly - #push [[agora docs import]] - sounds like a detour but productive, and it *is* needed to make editing of the chapter later (if it gets accepted) Agora-compatible - [ ] code - [[docs]] -> [[agora]] - [ ] [[hardcode]] fetching the [[agora doc]] URL to begin with - [ ] then generalize - [[agora]] -> [[docs]] - maybe add an endpoints to [[agora server]] which exports the rendered subnode as [[html]]? - this was something we wanted for other purposes already I think - [[neil]] - [[noding]] - [[revolution]] - [[manchester]] ## Agora Meet [[2022-08-21]] - Attending: [[flancian]] [[bouncepaw]] - [[working in public]] agenda: - [[bouncepaw]]: - Review PR for [[Mycorrhiza]] -> requested for changes - Migrate older [[GitHub]] repos to [[SourceHut]] -> moved repos from 2017 - Fix issue for [[Mycorrhiza]] -> fixed - [[flancian]]: - [[poetry]] PR - hmm, where is this again? maybe I already merged it in a branch. - which branch? - [[flight]] branch for opt in code - feed for users - start [[flask api]] in [[agora bridge]] - what happens to the Agora copyright if [[flancian]] leaves [[Google]]? - unclear? - but it can be forked - [[bouncepaw]] on [[game engines]] - coded one but never actually used it - site generator written in [[crystal]] is like [[ruby]] but [[typed]] and [[compiled]] - use [[instead]] instead - #pull [[2022-06-11_instead]] - [[bouncepaw]] repos to migrate: - migrated the game engine yesterday - [[static site]] generator in [[crystal]] - [[blog engine]] in [[ruby]] - [[flancian]] do you know [[why the lucky stiff]]? - [[bouncepaw]] no - [[money]] -> [[sapiens]] - -> [[homo deus]] - a [[telegram bot]] to help with some school assignment ([[dependabot]] found 14 vulnerabilities) - an API wrapper for [[telegra.ph]] - a [[s-expression]] [[HTML]] templating language - a robot in [[arduino]] - source for my old blog - potential [[project]]: script/tool that makes it easy to migrate off [[github]] to [[gitea]], [[sourcehut]], [[gitlab]] - [[nishtyak]] ~ [[good thing]] - "written in [[x]] sadly" - [[python]] - [[go]] - what about [[hare]]? https://harelang.org - what about [[rust]]? - it's kind of fun and funny - [[noosphere]] is in rust it seems - [[indieweb]] meetup? - invite [[chris aldrich]] to talk? - [[feediverse]] as an easy way to push to [[activitypub]] - #push [[git]] - [[bouncepaw]] has separate concepts for [[author]] and [[committer]] - [[hackerspace]] near university?