"choose six random nodes, and try to create a narrative connecting them" [jayu](https://matrix.to/#/%21WhilafaLxfJNoigHCj:matrix.org/%24YMHiliuheM5RLjf6cM0nUUatBTv8YpUU05FugIB1BBI) Following the addition of https://anagora.org/random, [[Flancian]] had an idea of making a page with 6 random subnodes. It was agreed that this sounded fun. [[Jayu]] suggested it sounded like [[Tarot for thought]]. A side project was born! # How it works - Each week as part of node club you do a node club tarot reading. - i.e. Choose 6 nodes at random with the /random page. (hmm: everyone does the same, or each person does own reading? probably each does own.) - Try and link them together in some way of interest/entertainment to you. - Be creative/silly/serious - whatever you prefer. Why? [[Tarot for thought]]. [[Fun]]. See [[node club]] for weekly node club tarot readings.