- [[2022-12-27 17:28:53]] [[@sneakers-the-rat:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!aIpzDTRzEEUkMCcBay:matrix.org/$1672158533166571oHjIf:matrix.org)): - this is why I think having an actual wiki wiki would be so good for social.coop :) eg. we're just getting started at neuromatch.social but we have this https://wiki.neuromatch.io/Mastodon/Governance#Actions and have just been gathering up all FAQs asked by our members and putting them on the wiki. and then also like @[flancian 🍄] saw at our workshop a few months ago have a discord (which we're using as the intra-instance communication spot) to wiki bot that lets you just use [[Wikilinks]] and have the messages embedded in the wiki so you can reference conversations about the topic as well :)