- [[2022-11-20 13:46:03]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!akkaZImONyQWKswVdt:matrix.org/$166894836391029vEbPj:matrix.org)): - I'd be happy to experiment setting up a new wiki in [[hypha]] using new ansible playbooks; this way we can learn the setup without risking production (which is in [[runko]]) - [[2022-11-20 21:27:05]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!akkaZImONyQWKswVdt:matrix.org/$1668976025100161OmacQ:matrix.org)): - we can also get one more bare metal, and use [[hypha]] as the third one. - [[2022-11-20 21:40:52]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!akkaZImONyQWKswVdt:matrix.org/$1668976852100449hTDNa:matrix.org)): - this is why ideally we'd set up this kind of thing in the secondary environment ([[hypha]]) - [[2022-11-25 13:25:03]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!akkaZImONyQWKswVdt:matrix.org/$166937910374103ODUnB:matrix.org)): - I'm going to bring down [[hypha]] tonight as it doesn't seem like we'll use it. - [[2022-11-25 21:50:34]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!WhilafaLxfJNoigHCj:matrix.org/$uiIAWMIGjm-NBe-tN7kA3qpVYz9UtSOO0diaTf3FgCE)): - Flancia is part of [[hypha]] -- they are our fiscal sponsor on [[open collective]] - [[2022-11-26 01:52:23]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!akkaZImONyQWKswVdt:matrix.org/$166942394380282JmWGg:matrix.org)): - you're right, I think I'll just try to make progress on [[hypha]] after all -- this should let me understand ansible more anyway. then we should still (ideally) be a bit further ahead once we get the new bare metal. thanks! - [[2022-12-20 20:52:30]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!akkaZImONyQWKswVdt:matrix.org/$1671565950219534UJeDK:matrix.org)): - from the action items from yesterday, I think we had to cut a few bugs for tracking progress davidvasandani edsu I plan to file one for [[rhizome]] replication and one for [[monitoring]] in [[hypha]], does that sgty? - [[2022-12-26 00:55:05]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!akkaZImONyQWKswVdt:matrix.org/$1672012505123999CgGcU:matrix.org)): - I wonder if we should run pg_dump elsewhere ideally, for example in [[hypha]], connecting to runko/rhizome remotely? maybe over wireguard - [[2023-01-11 22:59:19]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!aIpzDTRzEEUkMCcBay:matrix.org/$167347435957152HLLtl:matrix.org)): - We could 1. Install media wiki in [[hypha]] using [[coop cloud]] (we discussed this on Monday in the TWG meeting.) Or 2. Promote your instance to 'prod'? 1. Seems cleaner and lets us share maintenance, etc. more easily. - [[2023-03-15 21:41:58]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!aIpzDTRzEEUkMCcBay:matrix.org/$167891291877103rVJzu:matrix.org)): - false alarm, I messed up something locally while setting up [[hypha]] :) - [[2023-04-01 14:16:30]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!akkaZImONyQWKswVdt:matrix.org/$168035139027409vAHWB:matrix.org)): - 3. point wiki.social.coop to [[hypha]] and repeat the setup we did for wiki-alpha. for wiki. - [[2023-05-28 15:25:39]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!UqqWnMulCJMGobLvod:matrix.org/$-EQQwy719SMCbDGE64HJlVBkMXwt5paB7sRdNlUYyL0)): - the compute platform is still hetzner (the vps we got last year, [[hypha]]) - [[2024-01-15 18:44:05]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!akkaZImONyQWKswVdt:matrix.org/$170534064538101gKZPm:matrix.org)): - oh right, I was meaning to check it out and think about how to run it (maybe in [[hypha]]?) - [[2024-03-09 20:14:18]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!akkaZImONyQWKswVdt:matrix.org/$171001165856417VMyGm:matrix.org)): - the easiest way to do this is to use [[coop cloud]] as I set up in [[hypha]]