- [[2022-05-01 00:41:28]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!WhilafaLxfJNoigHCj:matrix.org/$_kIfg-ox0QUgwzDHX5CeNW54k9DgKUWiRzw0UCrNPKs)): - I think the canonical wikilink / [[canonical entity]] discussion is interesting, thank you. [[sandra]] in the fediverse was saying that we should support #CamelCase and perhaps even [[runtogether]], in the sense that removing all separators/spaces might yield the most productive coalescing. I think she has a point. - [[2022-05-22 11:18:57]] [[@flancian:matrix.org]] ([link](https://develop.element.io/#/room/!LrSlpgPruzcRvucsiG:matrix.org/$s9opUcS7kaUyuphWdIqOB4PKhchd-aF5DOFde71_9co)): - I'm still on the fence somewhat thought because over at the fediverse [[sandra]] had the good argument that wikilinks don't work very well with screen readers (yet)