- [[2022-11-19 17:55:40+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109371755076391416: -

My hypothesis is that we need a human readable/semantic protocol layer on top of what pre-internet human writing has evolved to be. Something on the pragmatic layer of linguistics.

I call it [[Agora protocol]]. And I'll try to implement it on top of [[ActivityPub]] these following weekends, in some meaningful way.

- [[2022-11-28 22:54:16+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian/109423890053200760: -

Very interesting! [[ocappub]]:


> In this paper we introduce OcapPub, which is compatible with the original
[[ActivityPub]] specification.
With only mild to mildly-moderate adjustments to the existing network,
we can deliver what we call “networks of consent”: explicit and
intentional connections between different users and entities on the

- [[2023-12-25 14:27:24+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] (link): -

[[pinhole]]: fietkau.software/pinhole

> is a tiny single-user [[Bluesky]]→[[ActivityPub]] one-way bridge. It can be self-hosted to provide a mirror bot for exactly one Bluesky profile followable by exactly one ActivityPub (e.g. Mastodon) account.

- [[2023-12-26 21:25:31+00:00]] @[[flancian@social.coop]] (link): -

Wow, so it turns out you have to sign everything cryptographically when interacting with Mastodon with [[ActivityPub]]?

Whatever happened to trusting each other and keeping it light? ;)