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Now, as of 2023-05-17

”’ ID: Agora3 Jayu EleuthΓ©ria Creation: 2022-07-10 Last modification: 2023-05-17 ”’

This is a Now page. I use it to share what I’m currently doing, feeling, and thinking about. [[Derek Sivers]] started [[this trend]].

Now, as of 2023-05-17

Life has been truthfully hectic these last months. Between my still unfinished undergraduate thesis, the many projects I’m involved with, and many other aspects of my life, I’ve been juggling with flaming torches. I have no idea if I’m succeeding or not. Only time will tell.

On a more hopeful note, my [[Zettelkasten]] is finally up! There’s not much to it right now, yet slowly and surely it shall grow.

Zettelkasten’s Now

While working on my [[undergraduate thesis]], I took the time to read [[Thomas Kuhn]]‘s [[The structure of scientific revolutions]] and made a few remarks regarding [[Kuhn’s concept of exemplars and a few problems surrounding Lacanian psychoanalysis’ scientificity and transmissibility]].

Watching [[Key the Metal Idol]] also resulted in [[a few remarks about its nΓ€ive humanism]]. It’s still a WIP.

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