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🏡 README by @scalingsynthesis

For an intro to this project, see our start here page. If you are reading on Agora, start here. This is a work in progress networked notebook, but is ready for sharing. Feel free to make pull requests and suggestions, or comment on pages.

Website made using Quartz.Host your second brain and digital garden for free. Huge shoutout to Jacky Zhao for being so helpful getting this site off the ground to fit our needs.

👤 About @scalingsynthesis

Latest contributed

My tooling gets in the way of working at the speed of thought   I- User-created consistent rules as a primitive   Q- What user behaviors are scholars doing already that specify structure for synthesis   _index   I- A DSL for a discourse graph with information entry, visualization, and retrieval   Muse   Q- How do you scale and distribute synthesis   Q- How might we navigate the structure now or later tradeoffs   Q- What workflows and behaviors facilitate synthesis   Interfaces for adjusting a query   C- People process complex information in multiple levels and stages of processing   P- Maxim Leyzerovich   P- Oliver Sauter   P- Paul Rony   P- Rich Hickey   P- Richie Bonilla   P- Rob Haisfield   P- Ryan Murphy   P- Ryan Singer   P- Stian Håklev   P- Tiago Forte   P- Tom Critchlow   P- Tudor Girba   P- Vitalik Buterin   P- Yochai Benkler   P- Zachary Schneirov   R- Prune Structural Editor   P- Alexander Griekspoor   P- Allen Wilsonn   P- Andy Matuschak   P- Anne-Laure Le Cunff   P- Aosheng Ran   P- Brendan Langen   P- Brian James Rubinton   P- Chris Granger   P- Conor White-Sullivan   P- Craig Tashman   P- David Holz   P- Elzr   P- Filip Stanev   P- Flancian   P- Francis Miller   P- Geoffrey Litt   P- Gordon Brander   P- Iian Neill   P- Joel Chan   P- Kevin Lin   P- Maggie Appleton   P- Matt Goldenberg   P- Max Krieger   C- Designing for ambient review is a rich opportunity space   R- clojureD 2021- Command and Conquer- Learnings from Decades of Code Editing by Philippa Markovics   R- Organizing knowledge with multi-level content   R- Reasons for the use and non‐use of electronic journals and databases   R- Replication Communication and the Population Dynamics of Scientific Discovery   R- Roam can loosely be considered a DSL with a structural editor   R- Scholars Before Researchers   R- ScholOnto an ontology-based digital library server for research documents and discourse   R- Sharing Knowledge and Expertise The CSCW View of Knowledge Management   R- Sorting Things Out Classification and Its Consequences   R- Student readers use of library documents   R- The anatomy of a nanopublication   R- The Cost Structure of Sensemaking   R- The minds eye in chess   R- The sensemaking process and leverage points for analyst technology   R- The SWAN biomedical discourse ontology   R- Theoretical musings   R- Theory Before the Test   R- Towards a comprehensive model of the cognitive process and mechanisms of individual sensemaking   R- Types of synthesis and their criteria   R- Using systematic reviews to inform NIHR HTA trial planning and design   R- Wealth of Networks   R- What is a Distributed Knowledge Graph   R- Where the semantic publishing rubber meets the scholarly practice road   R- Why Hypothesis Testers Should Spend Less Time Testing Hypotheses   R- You cannot play 20 questions with nature and win   R- A decade of theory as reflected in Psychological Science   R- A Short Introduction to the Underlay   R- A Troubleshooters Checklist for Prospective Authors   R- Accelerating Scientific Discovery by Lowering Barriers to User-Generated Synthesis of Scientific Literature   R- Achieving Both Creativity and Rationale   R- Ambiguity and Engagement   R- Are theoretical results Results   R- Beyond Boundary Objects   R- Cochrane and non-Cochrane systematic reviews   R- Collaborative information synthesis 1   R- Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem solving   R- Context Grabbing Assigning Metadata in Large Document Collections   R- Could a Neuroscientist Understand a Microprocessor   R- Darwin on man A psychological study of scientific creativity   R- Digital Futures Sociological Challenges and Opportunities in the Emergent Semantic Web   R- Discovering Higher Order Relationships from Multi Modal EHR Data   R- Distributed ontology building as practical work   R- Epistemology and the socio-cognitive perspective in information science   R- Excel never dies   R- Exploring the Relationship Between Personal and Public Annotations   R- Face Masks Against COVID-19   R- Formality Considered Harmful   R- From Proteins to Fairytales   R- G6 large clustered graph  

All nodes by @scalingsynthesis

📚 Node 📕 Resource
@wolfCurseXanadu1995 garden/scalingsynthesis/
_index garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
About this notebook garden/scalingsynthesis/content/About this
Adding structure later feels like a chore garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Adding structure later feels like a
Agenda garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Agora garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Airtable garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Archiving garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Atlas.TI garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Blog database garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Blog
C- A DSL allows people to expand their use cases far beyond the imagination of the designer garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- A DSL allows people to expand their use cases far beyond the imagination of the
C- A DSL could be a powerful interface for entering information into a discourse graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- A DSL could be a powerful interface for entering information into a discourse
C- A DSL speeds up the author garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- A DSL speeds up the
C- A key requirement to participating in a discourse graph for a specific domain is knowing the vocabulary used in that graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- A key requirement to participating in a discourse graph for a specific domain is knowing the vocabulary used in that
C- A structural editor can make a DSL approachable to end-users garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- A structural editor can make a DSL approachable to
C- A structural editor could allow people to make and edit data structures garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- A structural editor could allow people to make and edit data
C- An ideal decentralized discourse graph would enable people to view information at different levels of granularity through a ZUI garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- An ideal decentralized discourse graph would enable people to view information at different levels of granularity through a
C- An ideal decentralized knowledge graph would map a social graph and a knowledge graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- An ideal decentralized knowledge graph would map a social graph and a knowledge
C- An increasing amount of structure leads to entropy garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- An increasing amount of structure leads to
C- Breaking ideas down into component parts facilitates creative reinterpretation garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Breaking ideas down into component parts facilitates creative
C- Bulk refactors are a necessary primitive to maintaining a decentralized discourse graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Bulk refactors are a necessary primitive to maintaining a decentralized discourse
C- Composability facilitates synthesis garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Composability facilitates
C- Compression and contextualizability are in tension garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Compression and contextualizability are in
C- Compression facilitates synthesis garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Compression facilitates
C- Context is necessary for knowledge reuse garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Context is necessary for knowledge
C- Contextualizability is necessary for synthesis garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Contextualizability is necessary for
C- Curation is an important role in maintaining a decentralized discourse graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Curation is an important role in maintaining a decentralized discourse
C- Current tools do not support flexible exploration and refactoring of structures as they inevitably evolve garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Current tools do not support flexible exploration and refactoring of structures as they inevitably
C- Designing for ambient review is a rich opportunity space garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Designing for ambient review is a rich opportunity
C- Discourse graphs could significantly accelerate human synthesis work garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Discourse graphs could significantly accelerate human synthesis
C- Effective individual synthesis systems (seem to mostly) exist (for a select few) garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Effective individual synthesis systems (seem to mostly) exist (for a select few).md
C- Effective synthesis is necessary for innovation and scientific progress garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Effective synthesis is necessary for innovation and scientific
C- Emoji reactions are a form of social tagging garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Emoji reactions are a form of social
C- End user programming enables people to bulk process notes garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- End user programming enables people to bulk process
C- End-user programming enables the developers to be lazy about their backlog of feature requests garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- End-user programming enables the developers to be lazy about their backlog of feature
C- End-user scripting enables creative workarounds garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- End-user scripting enables creative
C- Highlighted and lowlighted search results map to how well results map to intentions garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Highlighted and lowlighted search results map to how well results map to
C- Hypertext enables communication with high information density garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Hypertext enables communication with high information
C- Incremental formalization can mitigate risks of formalism in interactive systems garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Incremental formalization can mitigate risks of formalism in interactive
C- Incrementally processing notes is a key user behavior to promote synthesis garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Incrementally processing notes is a key user behavior to promote
C- It is difficult to predict whether structure now will be worthwhile later garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- It is difficult to predict whether structure now will be worthwhile
C- It will be important to capture the potential energy of information consumption garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- It will be important to capture the potential energy of information
C- Linked references are a smart default for related items garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Linked references are a smart default for related
C- Making editors identifiable incentivizes high quality reviews garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Making editors identifiable incentivizes high quality
C- Many products are simply specialized interfaces on top of Excel garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Many products are simply specialized interfaces on top of
C- Most people will primarily consume information garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Most people will primarily consume
C- Most scholarly communication infrastructure operates on the document as the base unit garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Most scholarly communication infrastructure operates on the document as the base
C- Multiplicity facilitates synthesis garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Multiplicity facilitates
C- Newsfeed management can enable users to express their preferences through a combination of revealed preferences and declared preferences garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Newsfeed management can enable users to express their preferences through a combination of revealed preferences and declared
C- Newsfeeds are a poor intervention for distributing and discovering relevant information garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Newsfeeds are a poor intervention for distributing and discovering relevant
C- People are lazy garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- People are
C- People naturally try to enact typed distinctions in their notes garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- People naturally try to enact typed distinctions in their
C- People need a way of promoting and demoting knowledge in a decentralized knowledge graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- People need a way of promoting and demoting knowledge in a decentralized knowledge
C- People process complex information in multiple levels and stages of processing garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- People process complex information in multiple levels and stages of
C- Power users want to directly interface with the data structure of the app garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Power users want to directly interface with the data structure of the
C- Predicting trajectories of future reuse of information objects is hard garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Predicting trajectories of future reuse of information objects is
C- Programmable text interfaces are the future garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Programmable text interfaces are the
C- Reviewing past notes in the process of creating new notes is a key user behavior to promote synthesis garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Reviewing past notes in the process of creating new notes is a key user behavior to promote
C- Scholarly argumentation operates on atomic statements and concepts as fundamental units garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Scholarly argumentation operates on atomic statements and concepts as fundamental
C- Search terms express intentions garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Search terms express
C- Search terms should have smart defaults so people don't have to always use semantic self-expression garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Search terms should have smart defaults so people don't have to always use semantic
C- Social tagging is a key user behavior to managing a decentralized knowledge graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Social tagging is a key user behavior to managing a decentralized knowledge
C- Specifying context for future reuse is costly garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Specifying context for future reuse is
C- Specifying context for future reuse requires predicting trajectories of future reuse garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Specifying context for future reuse requires predicting trajectories of future
C- Synthesis as a process is usefully modeled as a specialized form of sensemaking garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Synthesis as a process is usefully modeled as a specialized form of
C- Synthesis is hard to do with people who don’t share context with you garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Synthesis is hard to do with people who don’t share context with
C- Synthesis is supported by Active Reading garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Synthesis is supported by Active
C- Synthesis tools need to support incremental formalization garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Synthesis tools need to support incremental
C- The responsibilities required to produce synthesis can be split up among many people garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- The responsibilities required to produce synthesis can be split up among many
C- There is a trend of platforms that support user-generated content winning garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- There is a trend of platforms that support user-generated content
C- There is a wealth of creative exhaust generated by researchers that is going to waste garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- There is a wealth of creative exhaust generated by researchers that is going to
C- There needs to be an excellent workflow for refactoring in a tool for thought garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- There needs to be an excellent workflow for refactoring in a tool for
C- Thought processors struggle with multiplicity garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Thought processors struggle with
C- User behavior within a well-designed choice architecture can be a signal of preferences garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- User behavior within a well-designed choice architecture can be a signal of
C- Wikum allows you to summarize groups of comments on a Hacker News style forum garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Wikum allows you to summarize groups of comments on a Hacker News style
Cambria garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
CG-comment-1 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
CG-comment-10 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
CG-comment-2 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
CG-comment-3 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
CG-comment-4 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
CG-comment-5 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
CG-comment-6 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
CG-comment-7 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
CG-comment-8 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
CG-comment-9 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Clarity garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
CleanShot 2022-05-17 at 18.51.18 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-17 at 18.51.18.png
CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.24.02 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.24.02.png
CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.24.26 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.24.26.png
CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.25.05 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.25.05.png
CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.25.36 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.25.36.png
CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.25.51 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.25.51.png
CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.26.18 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.26.18.png
CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.26.35 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-20 at 17.26.35.png
CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 15.40.02@2x garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 15.40.02@2x.png
CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 15.43.59 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 15.43.59.png
CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 16.16.06@2x garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 16.16.06@2x.png
CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 16.17.36@2x garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 16.17.36@2x.png
CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 16.18.11@2x garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 16.18.11@2x.png
CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 16.18.43@2x garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 16.18.43@2x.png
CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 16.18.51@2x garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 16.18.51@2x.png
CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 16.18.51@2x 1 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-21 at 16.18.51@2x 1.png
CleanShot 2022-05-26 at 09.26.14@2x garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CleanShot 2022-05-26 at 09.26.14@2x.png
CmdK-Superhuman garden/scalingsynthesis/content/CmdK-Superhuman.gif
Codex OS garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Codex
Cognitive Bias Codex garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Cognitive Bias Codex.png
content addressable garden/scalingsynthesis/content/content
conversations, chats with others garden/scalingsynthesis/content/conversations, chats with
decentralized social evidence-based data model garden/scalingsynthesis/content/decentralized social evidence-based data model.png
Dendron garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
DEVONThink garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Discourse Graph Plugin garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Discourse Graph
DSL garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Editing metadata garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Editing
EDN garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Elicit garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
end-user programming garden/scalingsynthesis/content/end-user
Example of nested treesheets data structures within fluid sentences garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Example of nested treesheets data structures within fluid sentences.png
expand-collapse-roam garden/scalingsynthesis/content/expand-collapse-roam.gif
Feedback for Chris Granger after we discussed Jump garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Feedback for Chris Granger after we discussed
Fig - Discourse graph example for effects of bans on online antisocial behavior garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Fig - Discourse graph example for effects of bans on online antisocial behavior.png
Fig - Learning Loop Complex garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Fig - Learning Loop Complex.png
Fig - Notional Model of Sensemaking garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Fig - Notional Model of Sensemaking.png
Figma garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
File System Annotation Layer garden/scalingsynthesis/content/File System Annotation Layer.png
flexible compression garden/scalingsynthesis/content/flexible
functional programming garden/scalingsynthesis/content/functional
Gigjam garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
GUI garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
half-baked ideas not ready yet garden/scalingsynthesis/content/half-baked ideas not ready
Hode garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Hypercard garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Hypernote garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Hypothesis garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
I- A DSL for a discourse graph with information entry, visualization, and retrieval garden/scalingsynthesis/content/I- A DSL for a discourse graph with information entry, visualization, and
I don't want my tool to tell me how to think garden/scalingsynthesis/content/I don't want my tool to tell me how to
I- Enable composable queries to facilitate structure in hindsight garden/scalingsynthesis/content/I- Enable composable queries to facilitate structure in
I- Populate the related items section through a search term garden/scalingsynthesis/content/I- Populate the related items section through a search
I- Provide Push and Pull as inline syntax to affect the related items section for a page garden/scalingsynthesis/content/I- Provide Push and Pull as inline syntax to affect the related items section for a
I- Replace the backlinks section of a page with a related items section garden/scalingsynthesis/content/I- Replace the backlinks section of a page with a related items
I- Search as a primitive garden/scalingsynthesis/content/I- Search as a
I- Search terms as the basis for conditional formatting garden/scalingsynthesis/content/I- Search terms as the basis for conditional
I- Search terms as the basis for user-defined notifications garden/scalingsynthesis/content/I- Search terms as the basis for user-defined
I- Search terms as the basis for user-defined subscriptions garden/scalingsynthesis/content/I- Search terms as the basis for user-defined
I- searchable blobs as unnamed groups enable unnamed formalization garden/scalingsynthesis/content/I- searchable blobs as unnamed groups enable unnamed
I- User-created consistent rules as a primitive garden/scalingsynthesis/content/I- User-created consistent rules as a
I- Workspaces as a primitive garden/scalingsynthesis/content/I- Workspaces as a
icon garden/scalingsynthesis/static/icon.png
If I’m thinking too hard about structure before I write the note, I forget what I was going to write down garden/scalingsynthesis/content/If I’m thinking too hard about structure before I write the note, I forget what I was going to write
Images garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
incremental formalization garden/scalingsynthesis/content/incremental
Ink and Switch garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Ink and
Interactive intent modeling search circle garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Interactive intent modeling search circle.png
Interfaces for adjusting a query garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Interfaces for adjusting a
It takes too much work to create structure garden/scalingsynthesis/content/It takes too much work to create
Jump garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Kanopi garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Knovigator garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Kosmik garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Learning Loop Complex garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Learning Loop
LiquidText garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Literate programming interface garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Literate programming
LogSeq garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Mermaid diagrams garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Mermaid
Muse garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
My tooling gets in the way of working at the speed of thought garden/scalingsynthesis/content/My tooling gets in the way of working at the speed of
Napkin garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Napkin - Main Screen garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Napkin - Main Screen.png
Napkin - Source Provenance garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Napkin - Source Provenance.png
Napkin - Spatial Browsing + Islands garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Napkin - Spatial Browsing + Islands.png
Napkin - Surfacing Related Concepts garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Napkin - Surfacing Related Concepts.png
Napkin - Swarms of ideas forming a collection garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Napkin - Swarms of ideas forming a collection.png
Napkin - Tag Focus with Related Ideas garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Napkin - Tag Focus with Related Ideas.png
Nextjournal garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Notation3 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Notational Velocity garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Notational
Notion garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Notion-Replit-Integration garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Notion-Replit-Integration.gif
Notional Model of Sensemaking garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Notional Model of
NVivo garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Obsidian garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Org-mode garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Org-roam garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
P- Alexander Griekspoor garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Alexander
P- Allen Wilsonn garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Allen
P- Andy Matuschak garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Andy
P- Anne-Laure Le Cunff garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Anne-Laure Le
P- Aosheng Ran garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Aosheng
P- Brendan Langen garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Brendan
P- Brian James Rubinton garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Brian James
P- Chris Granger garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Chris
P- Conor White-Sullivan garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Conor
P- Craig Tashman garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Craig
P- David Holz garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- David
P- Elzr garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P-
P- Filip Stanev garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Filip
P- Flancian garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P-
P- Francis Miller garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Francis
P- Geoffrey Litt garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Geoffrey
P- Gordon Brander garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Gordon
P- Iian Neill garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Iian
P- Joel Chan garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Joel
P- Kevin Lin garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Kevin
P- Maggie Appleton garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Maggie
P- Matt Goldenberg garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Matt
P- Max Krieger garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Max
P- Maxim Leyzerovich garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Maxim
P- Oliver Sauter garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Oliver
P- Paul Rony garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Paul
P- Rich Hickey garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Rich
P- Richie Bonilla garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Richie
P- Rob Haisfield garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Rob
P- Ryan Murphy garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Ryan
P- Ryan Singer garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Ryan
P- Stian Håklev garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Stian Hå
P- Tiago Forte garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Tiago
P- Tom Critchlow garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Tom
P- Tudor Girba garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Tudor
P- Vitalik Buterin garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Vitalik
P- Yochai Benkler garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Yochai
P- Zachary Schneirov garden/scalingsynthesis/content/P- Zachary
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Pasted image 20210916110008 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Pasted image 20210916110008.png
Pasted image 20210916110038 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Pasted image 20210916110038.png
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People don’t intentionally review old notes garden/scalingsynthesis/content/People don’t intentionally review old
Pollen garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
primitive design garden/scalingsynthesis/content/primitive
private-note garden/scalingsynthesis/content/private/
Project Description garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Project
Project Figma Canvas garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Project Figma Canvas.png
Project Mission and Impact garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Project Mission and
Project success metrics garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Project success
Q- Can neural networks answer queries from natural language without a predefined schema garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- Can neural networks answer queries from natural language without a predefined
Q- Can the blockchain be used to improve citation chains garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- Can the blockchain be used to improve citation
Q- Does sufficiently advanced natural language processing invalidate the need for a structured DSL garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- Does sufficiently advanced natural language processing invalidate the need for a structured
Q- How can people maintain a decentralized discourse graph with a high quantity of information in it garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How can people maintain a decentralized discourse graph with a high quantity of information in
Q- How could a graph database structure be visualized and perceived by end users in a more helpful way than a large graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How could a graph database structure be visualized and perceived by end users in a more helpful way than a large
Q- How do explorer communities attract a hacker community garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How do explorer communities attract a hacker
Q- How do explorer communities grow around software tools garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How do explorer communities grow around software
Q- How do people come to agree on queryable schemas garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How do people come to agree on queryable
Q- How do we enable many users with their own idiosyncratic structure to converge in one discourse graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How do we enable many users with their own idiosyncratic structure to converge in one discourse
Q- How do we increase the frequency of social review garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How do we increase the frequency of social
Q- How do we increase the frequency of social tagging behaviors garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How do we increase the frequency of social tagging
Q- How do we solve the problem of different people referring to the same concept with different language garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How do we solve the problem of different people referring to the same concept with different
Q- How do you allow people to query nth degree and fuzzy connections without overwhelming the signal to noise ratio garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How do you allow people to query nth degree and fuzzy connections without overwhelming the signal to noise
Q- How do you avoid the problems cited in Metacrap garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How do you avoid the problems cited in
Q- How do you scale and distribute synthesis garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How do you scale and distribute
Q- How is knowledge crystallized and disseminated in discussion oriented explorer communities garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How is knowledge crystallized and disseminated in discussion oriented explorer
Q- How might we allow people to adapt their past system and notes to current needs garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How might we allow people to adapt their past system and notes to current
Q- How might we apply map filter reduce to notes and what other primitives are relevant to this domain garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How might we apply map filter reduce to notes and what other primitives are relevant to this
Q- How might we create a decentralized knowledge graph that people want to use garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How might we create a decentralized knowledge graph that people want to
Q- How might we facilitate healthy social dynamics with hacker communities and typical end users garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How might we facilitate healthy social dynamics with hacker communities and typical end
Q- How might we make it so it doesn't matter if user behavior is inconsistent garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How might we make it so it doesn't matter if user behavior is
Q- How might we navigate the structure now or later tradeoffs garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- How might we navigate the structure now or later
Q- Should social knowledge management be thought of as social networks with really solid defaults, conventions, and incentives garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- Should social knowledge management be thought of as social networks with really solid defaults, conventions, and
Q- What (existing) systems facilitate individual synthesis garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What (existing) systems facilitate individual
Q- What are powerful interfaces for entering information into a discourse graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What are powerful interfaces for entering information into a discourse
Q- What are powerful primitives for a user of a decentralized knowledge graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What are powerful primitives for a user of a decentralized knowledge
Q- What are the most efficient routes to useful cross-boundary knowledge garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What are the most efficient routes to useful cross-boundary
Q- What changes in a discourse graph as quantity of content increases garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What changes in a discourse graph as quantity of content
Q- What community roles are necessary in a decentralized knowledge graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What community roles are necessary in a decentralized knowledge
Q- What is a decentralized discourse graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What is a decentralized discourse
Q- What is a hypertext notebook garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What is a hypertext
Q- What is an interface for going up and down the ladder of abstraction garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What is an interface for going up and down the ladder of
Q- What is synthesis garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What is
Q- What is the data structure of a graph built to facilitate decentralized knowledge synthesis garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What is the data structure of a graph built to facilitate decentralized knowledge
Q- What is the role of AI in facilitating a decentralized discourse graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What is the role of AI in facilitating a decentralized discourse
Q- What synthesis behaviors must be done by an individual and what responsibilities can be distributed to many people garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What synthesis behaviors must be done by an individual and what responsibilities can be distributed to many
Q- What user behavior is required to grow a decentralized discourse graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What user behavior is required to grow a decentralized discourse
Q- What user behavior is required to maintain a decentralized knowledge graph garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What user behavior is required to maintain a decentralized knowledge
Q- What user behaviors are people doing already that imply structure that is not being instantiated into a literal structure garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What user behaviors are people doing already that imply structure that is not being instantiated into a literal
Q- What user behaviors are scholars doing already that specify structure for synthesis garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What user behaviors are scholars doing already that specify structure for
Q- What workflows and behaviors facilitate synthesis garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What workflows and behaviors facilitate
Q- Why do people prefer to structure later or not at all garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- Why do people prefer to structure later or not at
quick capture garden/scalingsynthesis/content/quick
Quotebacks garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
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R- Accelerating Scientific Discovery by Lowering Barriers to User-Generated Synthesis of Scientific Literature garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Accelerating Scientific Discovery by Lowering Barriers to User-Generated Synthesis of Scientific
R- Achieving Both Creativity and Rationale garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Achieving Both Creativity and
R- Ambiguity and Engagement garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Ambiguity and
R- Are theoretical results Results garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Are theoretical results
R- Beyond Boundary Objects garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Beyond Boundary
R- clojureD 2021- Command and Conquer- Learnings from Decades of Code Editing by Philippa Markovics garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- clojureD 2021- Command and Conquer- Learnings from Decades of Code Editing by Philippa
R- Cochrane and non-Cochrane systematic reviews garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Cochrane and non-Cochrane systematic
R- Collaborative information synthesis 1 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Collaborative information synthesis
R- Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem solving garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem
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R- Epistemology and the socio-cognitive perspective in information science garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Epistemology and the socio-cognitive perspective in information
R- Excel never dies garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Excel never
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R- Formality Considered Harmful garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Formality Considered
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R- Generating research questions through problematization garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Generating research questions through
R- Genuine semantic publishing garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Genuine semantic
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R- Information Foraging Video garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Information Foraging
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R- Investigating PhD thesis examination reports garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Investigating PhD thesis examination
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R- Open Ideas garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Open
R- Organizational Memory as Objects Processes and Trajectories garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Organizational Memory as Objects Processes and
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R- The anatomy of a nanopublication garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- The anatomy of a
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R- The sensemaking process and leverage points for analyst technology garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- The sensemaking process and leverage points for analyst
R- The SWAN biomedical discourse ontology garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- The SWAN biomedical discourse
R- Theoretical musings garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Theoretical
R- Theory Before the Test garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Theory Before the
R- Towards a comprehensive model of the cognitive process and mechanisms of individual sensemaking garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Towards a comprehensive model of the cognitive process and mechanisms of individual
R- Types of synthesis and their criteria garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Types of synthesis and their
R- Using systematic reviews to inform NIHR HTA trial planning and design garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Using systematic reviews to inform NIHR HTA trial planning and
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R- You cannot play 20 questions with nature and win garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- You cannot play 20 questions with nature and
README garden/scalingsynthesis/
Readwise garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Research Grant Application garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Research Grant
Roam Research garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Roam
Saga garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
screenshot garden/scalingsynthesis/screenshot.png
Search Behavior garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Search
search-or-create garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Semilattice garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
sensemaking garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Sight Portal-1 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Sight Portal/Sight
smart default garden/scalingsynthesis/content/smart
Spaced repetition systems garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Spaced repetition
Standoff Annotation garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Standoff
Start Here garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Start
structural editor garden/scalingsynthesis/content/structural
structure in hindsight garden/scalingsynthesis/content/structure in
The common forms of structure people add to their notes garden/scalingsynthesis/content/The common forms of structure people add to their
TheBrain garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Theory and Practice@2x garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Theory and Practice@2x.png
Theory and Practice@2x 1 garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Theory and Practice@2x 1.png
Twemex garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Voiceliner garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
Waldo garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
wasted repeated effort garden/scalingsynthesis/content/wasted repeated
Wikum garden/scalingsynthesis/content/
work at the speed of thought garden/scalingsynthesis/content/work at the speed of
WorldBrain Memex garden/scalingsynthesis/content/WorldBrain
YAML Title Only garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Templates/YAML Title
YAML Title with author garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Templates/YAML Title with
ZUI garden/scalingsynthesis/content/