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πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-23]]
  • What’s one [[feeling]] you can [[own]] and consistently deliver?
  • [[Search and Seizure]].
  • Short [[videos]]: collapsed:: true
    • [[Contrast]]/paradox I want do X but Y is in the way
    • How am I going to do X?
    • Simple, universal to [[audience]], ideas
    • First word has to be a [[hook]] "Free" is good, "this" is bad
    • Hook has to be clear about what the conflict is and what is at the end
    • First frame has to be like title or thumbnail, high saturation and high contrast
    • [[Foreshadowing]] tells the user what gift they will get at the end
    • Rewatchable: Lists Easter eggs "Twists"?
    • Add conflict as the video goes on
    • [[But]],so But, [[therefore]]
      • South Park
    • Include a [[Why]]
    • Keep ending short but with a payoff
  • Incident management game collapsed:: true
    • Rescue -> recovery, budget drops drastically
  • A pilot is constantly seeking [[balance]]. collapsed:: true
    • "Redefine the fight"
    • Aviate navigate communicate
  • [[Links]] should be [[titles]] worth clicking on.
  • Let yourself be possessed by the web that has the [[problem]].
  • [[Constraints]] [[shape]] multiple [[parts]] into one.
  • "ecology is the science of understanding consequences"
  • [[Plants]] for BSk shortgrass prairie. collapsed:: true
    • Pediomelum esculentum id:: 66a01c43-fa3a-4c3a-8ddf-21bf715090c5 Blue grama Crested wheat Western wheatgrass
    • Textile Onion
    • Winterfat
    • Chokecherry
    • Fringed sagewort Arrowleaf balsamroot Hawksbeard Sticky purple geranium Scarlet globemallow Sulfur-flower buckwheat Tumblemustard Western wallflower Western yarrow Rosa woodsii
    • Antelope bitterbrush Gardner saltbush Greasewood (livestock need high calcium grasses to counter) Green rabbitbrush Mountain mahogany Shadscale saltbush Shrubby cinquefoil (good for goats, bad for cattle) Silver sagebrush Wax Currant
    • Mountain snowberry Serviceberry
  • β€œAn earthquake achieves what the [[law]] promises but does not in practice maintain,” one of the survivors wrote. β€œThe [[equality]] of all men.”
  • Anytime there’s a [[block]], move back and restart the [[attack]] from a stronger [[base]].
  • Getting past the [[elbow]], [[handfighting]] [[unarmed]] collapsed:: true
    • If their arms are down, [[attack]] the head. If they’re on the [[inside]], go around the [[outside]]. If their arms are up, go under for the body. If they’re narrow, go for the outsides. If they’re wide, go for the insides.
    • If they’re inside legs, they can attack legs but not so much upper body. If they’re outside, they can attack upper body but not so much legs.
  • "[[time]] given away…is time you don’t [[own]]"
  • Show them [[chaos]], and present an alternative of [[order]].
  • [[Dormancy]] lets [[seeds]] disperse through [[time]].
  • [[Distance]] gives you [[time]], Angles give you a way [[out]] or to [[flank]].
  • "never sit against a [[swarm]] [keep [[moving]]]"
  • John Allen Paulos on complex systems: "[[Uncertainty]] is the only certainty there is. And knowing how to live with insecurity is the only [[security]]."
  • Improve [[entertainment]] first before [[ask]].
  • [[Copywriting swipefile]]
  • A sensory 3d map of the [[odor]].
  • "it must hold the country by the [[sword]] or in [[fear]] of it"
    • "For if the vanquished has lately felt the sword, the victor may for a time carry an empty scabbard with impunity. But in the end, to rely on the scabbard alone brings more bloodshed than to have the sword always ready within."
πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-22]]
πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-21]]
  • Woke up with [[AG]], enjoyed the morning. Then I cleaned and did laundry and started packing for the trip :)
    • Also managed to lose one my earbuds while cleaning, but then I found it thanks to [[find my device]] which I didn’t know existed — it’s an option in [[bluetooth settings.]]- [[Flancia]]:
    • [[]]
    • Talking to [[Mohammed]] about getting formal verification about our charitable endeavours as the bank in Yemen is giving trouble/they seem to be suspicious of ill intent (which we don’t have).
    • Wrote today (I should have one it earlier, it was somewhere on my todo list — but here we are, I hope it helps).
πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-20]]
  • So it turns out that for years I have been sometimes journaling in / and sometimes in journal/, depending on how I created the entry.
    • If I press e.g. ctrl-w ctrl-w in [[vim]], I go to the daily page as configured by [[wiki vim]] — which is the later.
    • If I link [[YYYY-MM-DD]] in the past, I usually will have a journal already, and wiki vim will redirect there.
    • If I link [[YYYY-MM-DD]] in the future, though, I will not have a journal yet, so the file will be created as a "common node", outside of journals.
    • I thought I had moved to a ‘flat space’ with everything including journals in the [[root of my garden]], but apparently that didn’t happen yet :)
πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-19]]
πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-17]]
πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-16]]
  • [[agora chapter]] is now one step closer to being properly readable in the Commons :)
    • I linked all wikilinks using [[apps script]]
    • I also have a version without [[ and ]] and… I have to say it might indeed be more readable than with :)
  • Caught up with [[collective sense commons]] after a long while and it was great/interesting!
  • [[topic maps]] by [[Jack Park]] is now linked.
πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-14]]
  • [[Silverbullet]]:
    • The new [[Silverbullet]] supports transclusion!
      • It works using the syntax I think [[Obsidian]] also uses:
      • β₯… [[tabs]]

        will transclude the content of note [[tabs]].
      • In the case of the [[Agora]] this could be treated as a [[pull]] — but that transcludes the whole node below the current one, and maybe in this case what is intended is to transclude one particular resource in-place.
      • Oh, what currently happens is that the Agora assumes this is an image being transcluded — that is the one kind of direct transclusion we have implemented so far. I guess I could hack that codepath and see how hard it is to actually transclude e.g. the subnode with full subnode view in an iframe? Unsure.
    • In other [[Silverbullet]] news, today I figured out how to make dailies go to the node YYYY-MM-DD instead of to Journals/Day/YYYY-MM-DD:
      • You open special page /Library/Journal/New%20Page/Daily%20Note (template) in your instance.
      • You change suggestedName.
      • I commented out forPrefix but I’m unsure if you need that.
πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-12]]
  • threw [[261]]
    • leading to [[hex/10]] = [[271]]: es todo perfecto como es.
    • I realized [[hex/6]] = [[97]] is prime, the last I had yet to memorize below 100. That concludes a particular interesting sequence, I guess :)
    • [[primes]]:
      • The number of primes below 100 is perhaps interesting to know: 25. So a fourth of the 100 first numbers are prime! Huh.
      • Knowing up to 1000 would unlock getting a statistical feel of how quickly primes ‘thin out’.
      • Of course we can also count to 10: 4 primes below 10, so about two fifths.
      • I think they thin out logarithmically but I’m not sure which base, I could look it up but maybe I’ll think about it :)
      • It would be cool if it was the natural logarithm. It’s the kind of thing that could happen :)
  • [[bluesky]]:
    • now has an [[agora bot]]!
    • it’s alpha but it works sometimes (tm)
    • #go at://
      • is that a valid [[at protocol]] uri? I believe it sort of should be but I haven’t checked :)
  • [[primes]]:
  • I’m going back to [[Flancia book]], and it made me think of what I would in my best dreams try to publish during [[2025]]:
    • A new [[essay]].
    • A [[book]] (with publish meant loosely/playfully maybe).
    • A [[paper]].
  • [[paul bricman]]: [[straumli ai]]
    • is down?
  • [[celeste]]
    • is pretty great
πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-11]]

Here we go. Once more onto the breach; maybe it is today we start writing a book I started writing years ago, and will take me or us many more years to write.

These its chapters.

πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-09]]
πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-08]]
  • [[Flancia]]!
    • I’ll be in Flancia as much as possible Monday and Tuesday; Wednesday I’m back to work.
    • (Decided to take a mini two day holiday with the occasion of my birthday and the anniversary of my dad’s death.)
  • Thank you [[AG]] and [[Brigitta]] for the beautiful weekend!
  • [[L]] told me about [[Brook Farm]] :)
  • I thought of:
πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-03]]
  • [[work]]
  • then [[dinner]] with an ex-coworker (who fell to one of the 2023 layoff rounds) and people from my team
  • then… Flancia!
πŸ“… Date [[2024-07-02]]

I’ve started recording my screen more often, as a way of screencasting — even though very often I don’t get to actually publish it. I have a [[Youtube channel]] but I mostly upload Yoga sessions there, at least so far. Still, just recording sometimes makes me feel reassured — because theoretically that means I may get to actually publish it in the future, or because others will find these files and look for anything [[interesting]] in them, or because even if they are lost they will influence my behavior in some ways.

I sometimes feel that I think and write more coherently when I remember to think about you, dear [[reader]], dear [[viewer]], please [[like]] and [[share]] if willing :)

I wrote the above, which I’m calling [[2024-07-02]], and then I’m moving on to do whatever’s next in the list, or whatever arises.

I was thinking recently of

Here’s a [[joke]]:

An alien and a human go into a bar.

The alien asks: how many drinks are you having?

The human says: just one.

  • One what?
  • One drink.
  • That’s in this reality, what about the imaginary part?
  • What do you mean?
  • In how many timelines are you right now?
  • What… what do you mean? Just the one
  • One reality, all real?
  • Yes

With a flash of insight, many aliens realize at once that humans don’t know the complex plane.

…of Agora development, and of the fact that I still need to fix [[]], and…

Here again on [[2024-07-19]], is this cheating time? :)

πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-29]]
  • Maybe it’s time to check [[Silverbullet]]‘s settings for journal entries? :)
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-28]]
  • [[work]] was fine :)
    • three days of summit, plus very interesting conversations with visitors from [[STO]] and the team!
    • tomorrow, no meetings except for an [[ER-CH]] one.
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-26]]
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-24]]

Bella muy bella Burup, bella muy bella Burup!

Tara Burup Tara-burup!

Bella muy bella [[Burup]]:


Bella muy bella Burup, bella muy bella Burup.

Mi true Burup, true Burup.

Bella muy bella [[Burup]]:


  • [[work]] :)
    • This week is expected to be heavy duty due to a combination of:
      • [[oncall]]
      • visitors from [[Stockholm]] (with associated interesting discussion/training sessions)
      • a summit
    • But started out well enough with a quiet Monday… so far :)
  • [[2024-06-21]]
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-23]]
  • I planned to do [[Agora]] work but in the end didn’t get to it; maybe I will be able to do a bit of it on Monday after work.
  • We managed to do a mini bike-and-run with [[AG]] and it was great :)
  • VC’d with my mum :)
  • Also VC’d with [[Berni]] as we watched the second half of [[Switzerland-Germany]] together.
  • And caught up with [[Kris]].
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-22]]
  • [[Sebek]] and family came over and we had lunch at home :) It was great!
    • [[Lady Burup]] found it hard to deal with two children at the same time, but I think she might get used to it with time (and the children will also learn how to communicate with her) ;)
  • Then [[Janosch]]‘s [[party]] with [[AG]] πŸ₯³
  • Then [[2024-06-23]]
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-21]]
  • I [[worked]].
  • Then I attended the [[Helvetas]] yearly general assembly with [[AG]]. It was quite interersting! Highly participative (votes for accepting the yearly budget, etc.) and with a focus on the foundation’s activities in [[Bhutan]].
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-19]]
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-18]]
  • at [[work]] — relatively tough Monday and Tuesday with lots of meetings, but getting through them :)
  • [[new moon yoga]] was interesting the other day, even though (or maybe because) it didn’t come out on [[new moon]] at all :)
  • [[Flancia]], in my heart, is deep and meaningful.
  • [[bangers]]
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-15]]


πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-14]]
  • Now using [[silverbullet]] as embedded in the Agora proper :)
    • It’s at the bottom.
    • It only works for me for now — sorry!
    • β₯… [[2024-06-14T16:18:08,984568739+02:00.png]]

      I know it’s a bit self-centered to add the edit box to when only I can use it for now, but I wanted to experiment with the editing experience before investing a lot in developing it for others :) I hope it doesn’t get in the way of the experience of others.
  • Maybe it makes sense to make [[1]] my [[bootstrap]] screen, given that [[0]] is taken over by remote desktop usually.
    • In any case one of 0, 1 should probably be it at any given time?
    • This way in case I forget what my "main thread" is, I can visit it.
  • [[Hans Widmer]], in his dedicatory, taught me the word… [[umwerfend]]?
  • [[Flancia]]!
    • is again prominent in my heart
    • we ran with [[AG]] in Flancia
  • [[Agora development]]
    • will try [[bold usernames]] as I want to emphasize the social aspect of the Agora, and the [[Agorans]] are those who make the Agora amazing!
  • [[cats]]
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-12]]
  • Back in the Agora, back in Flancia :)
    • The visit from [[Berni]] and the birthday of [[AG]] were beautiful.
    • Now enjoying the rest of the [[week off]]:
      • catching up with housework (deep cleaning mode!)
      • catching up with messages and letters
        • reading and writing invites
        • doing writing in general
      • and [[flow]]!
  • Did some [[maintenance]] of home and computer setup; converged more [[wayland]] related configs after incorporating a new computer into my [[chezmoi]] setup and doing and taking the occasion to do an interation of improvements.
  • [[go/flow/12]] was great, one of my [[favorites]]
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-10]]
  • [[Day off]] from work as I spent some last time with [[Berni]]! It was beautiful having him over, and seeing many [[friends]] over the weekend.
  • Later did [[pomodoros]] with [[bobby lyte]].
  • Set up gifts for [[AG]] :)
  • Ordered something from [[Joom]] for the first time, let’s see how well it works :) It was than 3x+ cheaper than my previous magnets supplier
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-09]]

Daily Note 2024-06-09 and Weekly Wrap Issue No. 1

Here’s a quick summary of what’s cooking behind the scenes today alongside anything else you missed this week, June 9, 2024:

  • For this week’s edition of the Weekly Wrap (stats galore)

    • What did you missed this week
    • From my Wakatime stats this week1: I am literally on VS Code for more than half a day (12h+) this week, mostly to edit Markdown files on my personal wiki locally, although I do use GitHub’s web editor (VS Code for Web edition) and Codespaces for some.
    • For the recap yesterday, apologies if I didn;t write one: Nothing particular happened, just a day off updating my personal wiki in the machine to rest up and catch up with my Duolingo streak before clock strikes midnight.
    • For my listening activity at for the period of May 31 to June 6 (archived link):
      • Scrobbled 559 tracks (up 38% from last week), with 66 this week on 9:00 PM hour block.
      • Listened for almost 2 days (1 day 23 hours), averaging 80 scrobbles per day, with 126 as highest this week on June 3.
      • For the music ratio, I listened to 110 tracks (with ratio of 5.08 scrobbles/track compared to 87 with ratio of 6.43 last week) from 41 artists (ratio of 13.63 scrobbles/artist compared to 39 last week with ratio of 14.33) across 49 albums (ration of 11.41 scrobbles/album vs 36 last week with ratio of 15.53).
      • Top Album, Song and Track: [Starcadian] [^2] and his [Sunset Blood] album | [BOSSFIGHT]’s [Ballistic] (also top new track and album as single this week)
    • Perfect attendance this week on Duolingo’s Spanish or Vanish sessions (7 out of 7 days this week, totaling 174 days streak, compared with 6 last week).[^3]
  • What I have been listening to (check today’s scrobbles):

    <iframe width=”1280” height=”720” src=”” frameborder=”0” allowfullscreen>
    <iframe style=”border-radius:12px” src=”” width=”100%” height=”152” frameBorder=”0” allowfullscreen=”” allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture” loading=”lazy”>

That’s all for now, see you again soon for another daily note. If I miss something today, I may edit this page or just add it for next daily note instead. Take care, and keep it decent in the comments.

[Starcadian]: [BOSSFIGHT]: [Sunset Blood]: [Ballistic]:

  1. Downloading dashboard stats involves upgrading to premium, so apologies if I couldn’t dump the screenshot of my dashboard for now here. [^2]: For the uninitated (hello there if you have watched [[Gildedguy Story 6]] earlier), he makes "ear movies" or music with lore in a nutshell. [^3]: Track my progress at and follow me if you do.

  • Very nice day with friends!
    • [[B]], [[AG]], [[V]].
  • Yesterday we visited [[Bern]] with [[B]] and saw [[L]].
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-07]]

Daily Note 2024-06-07

Here’s a quick summary of what’s cooking behind the scenes today, June 7, 2024:

  • Actually enabled comments for daily notes (currently on per-entry basis until meta officially graduates from Insiders-only status), using a self-hosted instance of giscus. You can try it out now below and it’ll be appear in the andreijiroh-dev organization discussions in GitHub.

  • Officially installed Node.js into my custom mkdocs Docker image through copying files from the official Docker image (and some symlink trickery)

  • Yesterday, I added docs for golinks, will work on Content Migration status reports later in the weekend.

  • What I have been listening to (check today’s scrobbles):

    • [[TTPD]] on Spotify?!? (interpretting the lyrics, ey? Also lurking around r/TaylorSwift for hints maybe.)
    <iframe style=”border-radius:12px” src=”” width=”100%” height=”352” frameBorder=”0” allowfullscreen=”” allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture” loading=”lazy”>
    • I may feel like a madlad lately, but I listened to the whole album in order (from a community playlist) for the full experience. As my older sister told me, I may become the first (and only) Swiftie in the family once I go deeper into the discography in the future.

      <iframe width=”560” height=”315” src=”” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0” allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy=”strict-origin-when-cross-origin” allowfullscreen>
    • Still playing some of Starcadian’s music on loop, of course.

    • Fresh from The Vergecast: Apple’s AI moment is coming at 40m55s (If they do AI-generated emojis as JPEG images through RCS at WWDC (some even shortened it as "dub dub"), that would be chaotically funny at same time bloody for Android users.)

    <iframe width=”1280” height=”720” src=”” frameborder=”0” allowfullscreen>

That’s all for now, see you again soon for another daily note. If I miss something today, I may edit this page or just add it for next daily note instead. Take care, and keep it decent in the comments.


πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-06]]

Daily Note 2024-06-06

EDIT 2024-06-07: My god I forgot writing what been cooked yesterday, but don’t fret. I’ll include it in [[2024-06-07]] instead.

Comments are disabled for this entry to avoid chaos.

  • Noding from [[work]] through [[silverbullet]] :)
  • Started the day with [[AG]], lovely as usual.
  • Today [[Berni]] arrives! He’ll be visiting for a few days.
  • Now noding from my phone :)
  • Some stuff I’d still like to get done before Berni arrives tonight:
    • Check books by the sofa
    • Vacuum below sofa
    • Answer one more comment from the stream at work.


  • [[Digitisation]] vs [[digitalisation]]
    • Digitisation is basically turning the act of encoding analogue into digital.
    • Digitalisation is the wider process of more and more of processes of society being digitised and filtered through digital processes.
πŸ“… Date [[2024-06-05]]

Daily Note 2024-06-05

Here’s a quick summary of what’s cooking behind the scenes today, June 5, 2024:

  • Nothing particular happened lately for now, just regular household chores and chilling out during the break

  • What I have been listening to (check today scrobbles):

    <iframe width=”1280” height=”720” src=”” frameborder=”0” allowfullscreen>
  • Maybe seen about the Minecraft 15-Year Anniversary docuseries from their official channel then?

That’s all for now, see you again soon for another daily note. If I miss something today, I may edit this page or just add it for next daily note instead. Take care.
