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๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-03-11]]
  • Loved the [[15 minutes]] flow
  • Played [[The Reluctant Groom]], plus [[Lady Burup]]‘s song :)
  • Back here something like 22 hours later, on the other side of the night and day and half there over :)
    • Work including oncall was occasionally heavy but still good, felt productive. Worked late and advanced some threads enough, but not as late as yesterday.
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-03-10]]
  • [[Lady Burup]] needs to lose some weight, will continue noding the process in [[burup forever]] :)
    • I also want to lose 2-3kg or convert them from fat (mostly in my abdomen) to muscle, I’ll try to do this in the following 1-2 months and report back. I currently weigh 76.5kg (I’m ~190cm tall).
    • So we’ll do it together, I say! :
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-02-05]]
  • I updated the [[index]] of my garden after long, I think it’s a bit improved.
  • I donated 2x early today.
  • I also opened a lot of backlogged correspondence, asked for a [[tax return extension]] (until 2025-09-30) and bought some gifts :)
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-02-01]]


  • Having an absolutely tedious time trying to figure out why the WiFi keeps on dropping out on some of the devices in our house.
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-31]]


  • [[The Word for World is Forest]]

  • Lots of interesting people post interesting things on [[LinkedIn]]. If I want to read them, I have to use that platform. Accursed network effects.

๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-28]]
  • [[bull]] now supports tabs in editing mode :)
    • enjoying it a lot!
    • I am thinking of which other quality of life improvements could easily be added to [[CodeMirror]] if Stapelberg agrees.
    • [[vim mode]] is probably going too far? :)
  • I realized I broke links in [[Agora graphs]] when I pushed the update to remove jquery; I know why, I just need to remember to fix it tonight after work.
    • fix it then :)
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-27]]
  • Noding this from [[bull]] in today’s page in the Agora, meaning anagora.org/2025-01-27; I wonder if this will create a 2025-01-27.md file or somehow just a ‘bare’ 2025-01-27 file. I’ll know soon enough :)
  • Had lunch with [[Stapelberg]] and it was great as usual. We discussed work and open source; bull and the agora.
  • I finally bought the tickets for Argentina and Brazil! It feels nice to get that out of the way.
  • Work was fine!
  • After work, there was a short Social.coop [[TWG]] meeting with [[Dan Phiffer]] and it was great.
  • [[Lady Burup]] is very beautiful and a great companion as always!
  • Spoke to [[Jack Park]] after a while, I’m glad!
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-26]]
  • I signed up for deepseek.com to try [[deepseek r1]] and I found it quite good to begin with. Then I signed up for its API.
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-25]]
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-24]]


  • Listening to [[The Word for World is Forest]]
    • From [[libro.fm]].
    • Really enjoying it. The reader is great.
    • [[Ursula K. Le Guin]] mercurial as always.
    • Though, when I say enjoying itโ€ฆ it’s a bit grim. This Don Donaldson character is a nasty piece of work, pure American colonialist.
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-17]]
  • I went to bed a bit later than expected, at around 3am, but it was a productive night and I still managed to sleep enough so I have no regrets :)
  • The [[dishwasher]] repairperson came over, fingers crossed I’ll have a dishwasher again! Not having it (after only a few years of having it) really made me appreciate it specially.
  • Then I plan to [[work]] mostly on [[AI]] stuff today.
  • Then we might go to [[Manor]] with [[AG]] :)
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-16]]
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-14]]
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-13]]
  • Yesterday I ended up working on Sunday as planned and I enjoyed it.
    • I also took time to practice, and play, and that made a large difference.
  • [[flow state]]:
  • I made the move to the office around lunch, now I’m heading into a longish in-office flow session which might last five hours! Wish me luck :)
  • [[bull]]:
    • I like the addition of ctrl+s to save a page a lot
    • I’m also using ctrl+e to edit — maybe it would be ideal if it started the editing session at the end of the document instead of the beginning?
    • Alternatively I think ctrl+s maybe should save but not go back to view mode; unsure.
  • Researching how to publish [[snippets]] at work from the command line :)


  • Reading [[Not the End of the World]]
    • Hmm, just plainly stated that [[Degrowth]] is wrong.
    • There was a mention of ‘effective’ optimism. Hope that’s not aligned with effective altruism.
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-12]]

Daily Note 2025-01-10 / Holidays + Weekly Dump from 2024-12-21 to 2025-01-12

!!! warning "Hack Club Slack links ahead" To access them, you must be in the Slack (high schoolers 18 and below if you are not yet there)

Here’s what I been cooking behind the scenes for today, as well as the holidays dump during the break (2024-12-21 to 2025-01-05) and this school week (2025-01-06 to 2025-01-10), as well as the weekends (2025-01-11 and 2025-01-12).

I know it’s a long break from both doing the daily notes and the long-form blog content, mainly because of school and being hit by the burnout bus.

Holidays Dump 2024

Now let’s talk about what in the living hellscape happened I did during the holidays break, which involves High Seas Sticky Holidays:

School Week 2025-01-06 to 2025-01-10

  • preparing for upcoming Work Immersion schedule on February, among other things
  • shipped Leeksbot and dotfiles + NixOS configurations, seperated by just a day
  • done a lot of voting at the Wonderdome to bring my projects for other to vote, got the sea’s blessings for a extra 20% doubloons

The Weekends 2025-01-11 and 2025-01-12

TODO to self: go write this after [[High Seas]]

  • [[doing]]:
    • Copy/pasted from somewhere:
      • [[Demo mode]]:
        • This will slowly but ~surely happen :)
        • Add a toggle
        • Add code that plays a midi
        • Add code that plays an mp3
        • Add auto-scrolling, auto opening of zippies
      • [[Add users]]
  • [[worked]] and I liked it
  • [[donated]]
  • [[musikino]] is back!
  • [[prana]] now documented lightly in the Agora :)
    • as usual you can use e.g. anagora.org/go/prana/6 to do the yoga session for ‘day 6’, whatever that means to you. I usually do one of go/flow, go/move, etc. on rotation :)
  • [[Vajradhara]] and [[Vajrasattva]]
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-11]]
  • I resigned from the [[Social.coop]] [[Community Working Group]] the day after starting the [[vote to suspend meta]] after much discussion and a quick draft done with/for the community. It felt like it was the right time to disengage after I received criticism yet again for ‘moving too fast’ despite looping in people earlier and doing what I thought was a fully reasonable pro-social action to advance discussion (start a proposal on Loomio). This after concerns were escalated by multiple community members, including to the CWG, about Social.coop feeling like less of a safe space due to our lack of visible response.
    • One of the criticisms I got amounted (paraphrasing for effect) to needing to have more pre-meetings and go slower. I am fine not having pre-meetings or anything of the sort and doing more and talking less in 2025 as far as I can (within reason), so it seemed like a good moment to finish my CWG engagement (after several years) and focus on the Tech Working Group and the Organizing Circle instead. The CWG is now well-staffed so I am not needed there anymore, which I am thankful for to the people who remain!
    • In general the negativity I had gotten used to getting from some members was a bit of an energy drain, and I realized I could use my time more constructively for the community in the other engagements I plan to keep.
  • [[Bull]] is looking great! I’m now serving it (for myself only for the time being) at https://edit.anagora.org .


๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-10]]
  • I’m writing this with my new mechanical keyboard, a [[keychron q3 max]].
    • I got this for the office because the previous one was a bit too noisy for the office environment; not that I was the only one using a mechanical keyboard, or that the switches were the noisiest you could get, but I felt like I was contributing to a less inclusive than necessary environment by typing loudly with my headphones at times. And I really like typing with my headphones on :)
    • The one that I got, with [[gateron brown switches]], is really quite silent! And I like the tactile feedback enough.
    • I am enjoying the typing experience so I’m glad!
    • The one thing I would add is maybe a palm rest. I don’t usually use one, but this keyboard is high enough that I feel like that could make it more ergonomic.
    • Sometimes it seems to double-register my space bar presses though, which is a bit disconcerting — I hope it’s a matter of adjusting my typing style to the switches and not a hardware issue! I’ll keep an eye on it.
  • [[ekumen]]
  • [[social.coop]]
    • lots of talk about the Meta change in policies with respect to hateful speech.
    • then more talk.
    • then [[against meta]] went through draft revisions.
    • then the [[vote to suspend meta]].
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-09]]
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-08]]
  • First time starting a journal node from [[bull]] :)
    • I will be using the opportunity to take notes about the things I would change in Bull over time, as I try to use it as a default [[Agora editor]].
  • [[bull bugs]]:
    • I can’t seem to be able to indent blocks :) Pressing tab while editing moves to "view site information" in Chromium, which is surprising.
    • Thankfully ctrl+] works, which is awesome and a life saver, but the default behavior could be improved probably?
    • I’m also missing [[vim keys]], which [[Silverbullet]] has, although ideally that could be solved at the browser level (e.g. by [[vimium]]); maybe it’s an option for the editor module [[bull]] uses?
    • Anyway, better update to head before I file bugs :)
  • [[quotes]]:
    • "I have the solution, you just have to believe in it"
  • Today I read and wrote about the [[Meta]] terms and policies changes and the [[Fediverse]].
    • It seems social.coop will have a vote on whether to suspend threads.net.
  • Work was quite alright actually!
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-07]]


  • This year, I am celebrating having a 10 year old laptop.
    • My [[Lenovo Thinkpad T450s]].
    • The release date for the T450s was 2015.
    • Though I got it second-hand in 2019.
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-06]]


  • Read and finished [[Four Thousand Weeks]]
    • Thick time
    • Max Weber and Calvinism
    • I liked it in general. I’m on board with the general gist of the anti productivity sentiments.
      • Sometimes it came across a bitโ€ฆ wilfully contrary? Not sure.
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-04]]
  • [[pure land buddhism]] -> [[universal gate chapter]]
  • [[chilliad]]
  • [[secrets]]
  • love [[bitwascherei]] already
  • [[gotosocial]]:
    • Brought up social.agor.ai provisionally, considering which domain to run this on — and whether to do a [[split domain deployment]].
    • Which one is better as a handle for the Agora bot and a user?
      • @agora@agor.ai?
      • @flancian@agor.ai?
      • @agora@social.agor.ai?
      • @flancian@social.agor.ai?
      • @agora@flancia.agor.ai?
      • @flancian@flancia.agor.ai?
      • @agora@anagora.org?
      • @flancian@anagora.org?
      • They mean different things, of course. All but @agora@social.agor.ai while ‘allocating’ social.agor.ai require a split domain deployment as per the current setup I’m running for Agoras. It doesn’t sound too difficult to try split domains using traefik, I could give it a try. But in that case, should I run these in @agor.ai (shorter/cooler?) or in @flancia.agor.ai (most correct as I’m planning on having this instance handle the usernames in flancia.agor.ai or anagora.org?
    • Update (after discussing with people): I think I’m going with the simplest thing that might work, meaning social.agor.ai is one instance that different people and agoras can use for social services, and handles are foo@social.agor.ai.
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-02]]


  • Planning to update spacemacs to latest.
    • As noted recently, usually something breaks in this process.
    • So I’ll look at ways to do this with minimal disruption.
    • I think trying to do it using multiple config directories seems a good approach.
      • That’ll be useful for if I ever want to run spacemacs and Doom side-by-side, too, for example, or my own vanilla Emacs.
    • One issue to resolve first - you need Emacs 29 for the โ€“init-directory flag. I’m still on 28.1.
      • OK, I’ll try and tackle that first.
  • [[Updating to Emacs 29 on Linux Mint]]
๐Ÿ“… Date [[2025-01-01]]