πŸ“• Node [[hypothesis]] ⟢ subnode @scalingsynthesis/hypothesis
A node contains individual contributions with filenames matching the topic of the current Agora location. x
πŸ“„ content/Hypothesis.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @scalingsynthesis οΈπŸ”— ✍️

Authored by:: [[P- Brendan Langen]]

Hypothes.is allows users to annotate webpages or documents in their margins, providing the option to further enrich a snippet with context. Sharing is built in to Hypothes.is, affording added context and active reading across groups.

This enables social tagging, which helps users find related content and build community. [[Social tagging is a key user behavior to managing a decentralized knowledge graph]]. This can come in the form of text, likes or [[emoji reactions]].

β₯… [[Pasted image 20210915173128.png]]

β₯… [[Pasted image 20210915182506.png]]

In an exciting development, the W3C Web Annotation recommends expanding upon their functionality by binding annotations to specific subregions of PDFs, which would enable [[interoperability]] beyond the tool alone.

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