πŸ“• Node [[agora]] exact match
A node contains individual contributions with filenames matching the topic of the current Agora location. x
πŸ“„ agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @flancian οΈπŸ”— ✍️


πŸ“„ agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @neil οΈπŸ”— ✍️


This looks like a really cool way of aggregating digital gardens into one place. To produce a community garden (or, an agora). Interesting to contrast with how a solely P2P way of connecting gardens might work, no central aggregator.

An Agora is a distributed, goal-oriented social network centered around a cooperatively built and maintained [[knowledge graph]]. The implementation you are currently looking at tries to assemble such a graph out of a collection of digital gardens.

– GitHub - flancian/agora

See also [[sister sites]].

See: [[What do I think about the Agora?]]

πŸ“„ pages/agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @j0lms
πŸ“„ _notes/agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @bmann

Welcome to [[boris mann]]‘s section of the agora!

We’re experimenting with [[Connecting to the Agora]], and what some of the configurations and conventions are. The [[Anagora]] page has my notes and feature requests.

πŸ“„ pages/agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @flancia.org ✍️ πŸ€—
πŸ“„ Agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @jonathan

An agora, in its broadest sense, is a conceptual space where people attempt to bring an increased level of intentionality, explicitness, and mutual agreement to the principles and protocols for interacting in that space. A further aspect of the idea of an Agora is that it is a space which enables collaboration. In particular, it is a space that allows for collaboration guided by specific shared interests, without requiring the co-consitutients of the agora to be aligned more fully or generally in terms of their intentions, values, etc.

Some topics that the idea of an Agora is related to: [[transparency]] [[decentralized structures]] [[egalitarian principles]] [[judgement]] [[algorithms of interaction]] [[communication]] [[collaboration]] [[knowledge sharing]]

There are (infinitely) many possible variants of how this idea might be implemented in concrete, real-world situations. For example, an agora could be a space that is opened up inside a conversation between two people. Or it could be a collaborative project that is accompanied by specified rules. Or it could be a collective agreement about how to handle certain types of situations.

One variant of the idea of an Agora is a place where personal notes are shared, with the common goal of pooling information and sharing knowledge. One implementation of this idea is https://anagora.org . See also https://flancia.org/go/agora .

The term "Agora" and the basic idea come from [[Flancia]].

πŸ“„ agora.myco contributed by πŸ‘€ @melanocarpa οΈπŸ”— ✍️

Agora is a β€˜wiki like experimental social network and distributed knowledge graph’, so they said. I would say it's an aggregator of digital gardens and a community around it. Anagora is the first and biggest instance of it. Flancian was the one who created it and the software behind, but there were other good contributors. Thank you!

I'm part of it:. I also frequent the associated video conferences.

Agora makes a big emphasis on graphs and links. Their analogue of hyphae is called a node, nodes are generated from contents from multiple sites. There is also a cool notion of push/pull and go links!

I was inspired by Agora's go links and implemented something very similar in Betula.

2022-01-18 I wrote the author an email about the possibilities of making Agora and Mycorrhiza compatible. 2022-03-06 Melanocarpa was added to Anagora, along with Mycorrhiza support. Furthermore, in 2023 proper support of Mycomarkup was added.

The Agorans also seem to be using git-based markdown-driven digital gardens mostly. It is the default choice for many, but luckily support for more formats was added. Mycorrhiza, for example, is supported! There is also Betula in Agora.

See also

You can't really talk about Agora without Flancia.

πŸ“„ Agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @protopian

I’m still trying to fully wrap my mind around it.

A [[Knowledge Commons]]

A social graph. Maybe even a form of social media.


  • Node for relationship between nodes?
  • Meta layer
    • Tags, annotations, branch off nodes, etc.
  • How are users on the agora authenticated?
    • Possible to have only one
    • Unique IDs limited to 1
  • How are links out of the agora handled?
  • Can one attach or put in documents? Where are those stored?
  • Has monetization been considered?
    • At least as a mechanism to fund the platform itself, so that it doesnt need to rely on donations/private support
πŸ“„ agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @s5bug


πŸ“„ content/Agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @scalingsynthesis οΈπŸ”— ✍️

Authored by:: [[P- Brendan Langen]]

Agora is a wiki-like distributed knowledge graph blended with a social network. The shared Agora can be contributed to by anyone who agrees to the social contract. Agora aims to facilitate sharing of synthesis.

[[Q- What synthesis behaviors must be done by an individual and what responsibilities can be distributed to many people]]

[[C- An ideal decentralized knowledge graph would map a social graph and a knowledge graph]]

built by [[P- Flancian]]

β₯… [[Pasted image 20210916165952.png]]

πŸ“„ agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @vera.wiki.anagora.org

The [https://anagora.org agora] is a cool place to learn stuff

[[agora todo]]

πŸ“„ agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @vera@ctzn.one

in [[flancia]] there is an [[agora]]

πŸ“„ agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @anonymous@doc.anagora.org ✍️

What do you think about the Agora?

Feel free to use this open space to tell us! We’d love to improve it for you; in general, to make it more useful and inclusive for others.


Your opinion could be here :)

πŸ“„ AGORA.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @agora@botsin.space
πŸ“„ Agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @agora@botsin.space
πŸ“„ agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @agora@botsin.space
πŸ“„ Agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @agora@social.agor.ai
πŸ“„ agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @agora@social.agor.ai
πŸ“„ Agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @an_agora@twitter.com
πŸ“„ agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @an_agora@twitter.com
πŸ“„ Agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @anagora.bsky.social
πŸ“„ Agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @anagora@matrix.org
πŸ“„ agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @anagora@matrix.org

[[agora]] and the [[shamanic agora]] are insanely auspicious

a cheers to the open ethos πŸ₯‚

as it was, as it is, as it shall be ✨

[[agora]] and the [[shamanic agora]] are insanely auspicious

a cheers to the open ethos πŸ₯‚

as it was, as it is, as it shall be ✨

πŸ“„ Agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @flancian@social.coop
πŸ“„ agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @flancian@social.coop
πŸ“„ Agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @flancian@twitter.com

RT @flancian: In #Flancia there is an #Agora:

https://t.co/zGGLq64tX3 https://t.co/UdykW13v5t

πŸ“„ agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @flancian@twitter.com
  • [[flancian]] https://twitter.com/{‘id’: ‘773144670507499521’, ‘name’: ‘The Agora is a Federated Knowledge Commons’, ‘username’: ‘flancian’}/status/1552396170953199618
    • @BillSeitz @bmann @jessmartin @RobertHaisfield @csageland @balOShere @JoelChan86 @TiddlyWiki @an_agora @socialroots_io "Parallel play with forks" as a modality, like that IIUC implemented by [[fedwiki]] and [[agora]] in similar ways, I believe can lower friction significantly towards cooperation and enable bootstrap of a system which supports arbitrary modalities.- [[flancian]] https://twitter.com/{‘id’: ‘773144670507499521’, ‘name’: ‘The Agora is a Federated Knowledge Commons’, ‘username’: ‘flancian’}/status/1552395293785726976
    • @BillSeitz @bmann @jessmartin @RobertHaisfield @csageland @balOShere @JoelChan86 @TiddlyWiki @an_agora @socialroots_io What we need is a [[knowledge commons]]. The commons is based on a shared set of values. A commons may define rules for self-governance. Rules for cooperation can be attached to working spaces, which in an [[agora]] all map to [[wikilinks]] resolved in a [[federated]] system.- [[2022-10-21 14:24:07+00:00]] @[[flancian]]: https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1583464151568945153

I promise I’ll make the [[agora]] usable for the [[commoners]], meaning among other things: for the non tech oriented, for the non privileged, for [[the people]].

πŸ“„ Agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @flaneur@merveilles.town
πŸ“„ agora.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @flaneur@merveilles.town

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