πŸ“• Node [[now]]
πŸ“„ now.md by @flancian οΈπŸ”— ✍️
πŸ“„ now.md by @jayu

Now, as of 2023-05-17

”’ ID: Agora3 Jayu EleuthΓ©ria Creation: 2022-07-10 Last modification: 2023-05-17 ”’

This is a Now page. I use it to share what I’m currently doing, feeling, and thinking about. [[Derek Sivers]] started [[this trend]].

Now, as of 2023-05-17

Life has been truthfully hectic these last months. Between my still unfinished undergraduate thesis, the many projects I’m involved with, and many other aspects of my life, I’ve been juggling with flaming torches. I have no idea if I’m succeeding or not. Only time will tell.

On a more hopeful note, my [[Zettelkasten]] is finally up! There’s not much to it right now, yet slowly and surely it shall grow.

Zettelkasten’s Now

While working on my [[undergraduate thesis]], I took the time to read [[Thomas Kuhn]]‘s [[The structure of scientific revolutions]] and made a few remarks regarding [[Kuhn’s concept of exemplars and a few problems surrounding Lacanian psychoanalysis’ scientificity and transmissibility]].

Watching [[Key the Metal Idol]] also resulted in [[a few remarks about its nΓ€ive humanism]]. It’s still a WIP.

πŸ“„ now.myco by @melanocarpa οΈπŸ”— ✍️

This is my Now page. From time to time, not often, I shall update this page. It says what I am generally about currently. Last updated: 2023-04-30 2023-06-13 2023-06-17 2023-08-02 2024-01-01.


The fifth semester was a breeze at first, but near the end it became hardcore. I finished it fine, only the exams in January remain for now. See December Adventure 2023, which is 99 % university stuff.


I still remember the April's Moscow trip fondly and looking forward to next April's Saint-Petersburg trip.

I am currently staying at Ufa for the New Year holidays. Indeed, this town helps my mental health.


Had little time during the end of the fifth semester. Am looking forward to implementing ActivityPub subscriptions in Betula.


Barely drawing. Failed Inktober 2023. This is the first Inktober I didn't finish. I declared the loss on the last day of 2023.

The comic anthology I took part in kinda disappeared. Oh whatever, I don't even care now.


Had talks about starting an internship at a bank. In the end, they postponed it until March. Whatever.

Plans for 2024

  • Get a job

  • Maybe move away from the dorm

  • Work on Betula federation

  • And the very personal stuff too

2023 brought mixed feelings to me. Many things could have been much better.

πŸ“„ now.md by @yiction


We must return to the ways of old
The ways of prehistory

Of being a creature, embracing life as the here and now
Survival and running

But with modern technology
Cities wipe our minds
Keep us occupied
Keep us in rows

And who is to say that rows are evil?
They aren’t
They’re just a remnant of how we evolved
From wild
To rows

But now
The rows have allowed us to develop further
To develop curves

And space
And time
And math
And the study of everything

So we can return to the way it was
But with what we have discovered

So eat an apple
Go on a run
Scream into the wind
Do a cartwheel
Draw a picture
Write a song
Grocery shop and grow a garden
Embrace one another
And live in the

πŸ“„ Now.md by @agora@botsin.space
πŸ“„ NOW.md by @agora@botsin.space
πŸ“„ now.md by @agora@botsin.space
πŸ“„ now.md by @an_agora@twitter.com

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