πŸ“• Node [[todo]] exact match
A node contains individual contributions with filenames matching the topic of the current Agora location. x
πŸ“„ todo.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @flancian οΈπŸ”— ✍️



  • Meta: fix go links that pointed to Roam.
  • Figure out [[Foam]] rendering to [[github pages]]
    • Made obsolete by the Agora.
  • [[Agora v0.5]] — here is where block references would come in handy :)
πŸ“„ logseq/pages/TODO.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @vera
  • NOW Veronika, if you or anyone else has loads of time and nothing better to do, it would be handy if someone could go through the slides shared by Sassy in that orientation meeting and condense it into a checklist of actions and references. done:: 1626482875701 later:: 1626482876666 now:: 1626482963613
πŸ“„ pages/TODO.org contributed by πŸ‘€ @vera

I'm trying to keep this clean so I actually use it

πŸ“„ todo.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @vera
πŸ“„ _notes/todo.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @bmann

Mainly, things will just link here.

πŸ“„ posts/todo.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @flancia.org ✍️ πŸ€—
πŸ“„ todo.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @gyuri


You can create todos in Foam.

  • This is an example of a todo list item that’s complete
  • This one is not completed yet
  • You can mark it completed by pressing Option+C (or Alt+C) when your cursor is on this line
    • You can also select multiple lines and mark them all at once!
πŸ“„ TODO.org contributed by πŸ‘€ @jakeisnt


  • Currently the site is built on the client side

  • Add a CI configuration to build the site on upload

TODOAdd 'Edit on GitHub' button

  • Dependent on CI

  • Allows others to open PRs and edit content from GitHub that is then directly added to the site (and incorporated, via CI)

TODOConvert links to archive.org references on push

this way i'll actually have them in the future should be part of a CI job or something; maybe locally in the editor? could take a lot of time though.

TODOdynamically fetch and insert titles into .org files

this way i dont have to retype the title, as i do most of the time. easier to just go back and change it than to have to manually add the title

TODOremove personal info

some config to prevent pages with personal info from showing in public wiki, but allowing me to browse them freely locally https://covilla.life/ cool idea

https://mrshll.com/ https://siraben.github.io/2020/02/20/free-monads.html https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/

πŸ“„ todo.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @luciana


  • This is an example of a todo list item that’s complete
  • Todo lists are useful for keeping organised and focused
  • This one is not completed yet
  • You can mark it completed by pressing Option+C (or Alt+C) when your cursor is on this line
    • You can also select multiple lines and mark them all at once!
  • When you press enter at the end of a line, it adds a new todo item on the next line
  • This, and more is provided by the Markdown All in One plugin by Yu Zhang
πŸ“„ todo.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @olofl


  • This is an example of a todo list item that’s complete
  • Todo lists are useful for keeping organised and focused
  • This one is not completed yet
  • You can mark it completed by pressing Option+C (or Alt+C) when your cursor is on this line
    • You can also select multiple lines and mark them all at once!
  • When you press enter at the end of a line, it adds a new todo item on the next line
  • This, and more is provided by the Markdown All in One plugin by Yu Zhang
πŸ“„ todo.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @rusp


  • This is an example of a todo list item that’s complete
  • Todo lists are useful for keeping organised and focused
  • This one is not completed yet
  • You can mark it completed by pressing Option+C (or Alt+C) when your cursor is on this line
    • You can also select multiple lines and mark them all at once!
  • When you press enter at the end of a line, it adds a new todo item on the next line
  • This, and more is provided by the Markdown All in One plugin by Yu Zhang
πŸ“„ todo.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @s5bug


  • Add this garden to the Agora
  • Write a [[Ghidra]] plugin to output procedures as individual [[MASM Assembly]] files
  • Finish my contribution of En_Tg to the [[Ocarina of Time]] [[decompilation]] project
  • Finish my addition of a HashMap to cats-collections.
  • Document how I accomplished the Lecture Transcriber written on [[2020-11-02]].
πŸ“„ pages/TODO.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @sparql

public:: false

  • DONE Get SPARQL endpoints by query

  • DONE Add to [[SPARQL training course]], more on property paths etc (take from PDFs, it’s lots in PPT)

  • TODO Test very big export

  • TODO Hide unlinked refs

  • TODO Fix block ref CSS in Bonofix

  • DOING Start adding SPARQL tools like SPARQL Generate Traql and SPARQL anything

    • separate pages with metadata
    • stanartise with endpoints
    • then create a query page, and that page should go to the content.
  • DONE Replace the favicon

  • DOING Add shortcuts to How to use this graph (ore separate page)

  • TODO All pages in the home page should have description collapsed:: true

    • image.png
  • DONE Consider showing ‘All Pages’

  • TODO Show property hierarchy for collapsed:: true

    • TODO CDM
  • Publication checklist

    • Remove favorites if kept
πŸ“„ pages/TODO.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @vera-logseq
  • NOW Veronika, if you or anyone else has loads of time and nothing better to do, it would be handy if someone could go through the slides shared by Sassy in that orientation meeting and condense it into a checklist of actions and references. done:: 1626482875701 later:: 1626482876666 now:: 1626482963613
πŸ“„ todo.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @agora@botsin.space
πŸ“„ todo.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @an_agora@twitter.com
πŸ“„ TODO.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @an_agora@twitter.com
πŸ“„ todo.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @anagora@matrix.org

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