📕 Node [[self]] exact match
A node contains individual contributions with filenames matching the topic of the current Agora location. x
📄 self.md contributed by 👤 @flancian ️🔗 ✍️


📄 self.md contributed by 👤 @karlicoss

Table of Contents

[2020-03-01] handbook/values.md at master · davidgasquez/handbook [[inspiration]]


Embrace Weirdness. Don't be just another human. Find your place, do what you love and put yourself outside the comfort zone. Unexpected and unconventional things make life more interesting.

[2020-03-01] handbook/values.md at master · davidgasquez/handbook

really good page, I agree with pretty much everything

[2018-06-30] introspection: public/book-of-beliefs.md at master · busterbenson/public [[qs]] [[inspiration]] [[toblog]]


I should write thoughts more to track back how i thought. Just on general topics [[habit]] [[mem]] [[leech]]

I guess look up random topics and write down. Otherwise you tend to forget

Need to read some book or search on Reddit how to come up with discussion topics. Maybe some way of quickly brute force and synthesise [[read]]

Make a mind map/ timeline of all the different projects I’m doing, it could look very cool [[toblog]]

[2019-09-06] in ~/org/brain

Really need to log my thoughts every day.. otherwise time passes and I forget and lose track of state changes

[2019-06-18] LPT: If you feel like you never have enough time for stuff, don’t focus on time management. Spend time managing your ability to focus. /r/LifeProTips

This is why people do their writing on laptops in coffee shops.  You can't just stop and masturbate.

[2019-06-18] Anyone else feel like they have too many hobbies and not enough time? /r/simpleliving

You just can't do everything every day.  Once you are at peace with that, and not worrying about 'doing everything' (as facebook and other highlight reels make you think you should do), you'll be fine.
For things you want to do, you will find time.  Just let go of when the right time is.

experiment how long can I manage without updating any of my stuff? [[infra]]

My dream is having team of people almost exactly like me cooperating on the same things

[2021-01-21] I mean, ‘exactly like me’ on a high level, in terms of goals, vision, maybe attitude? Diversity is fun.

there are no exact and complete definitions [[think]]

I spent a while ago trying to figure out ‘exact’ definitions of functional vs object oriented programming
Or exact formalisms for quantum mechanics
Or ‘correct’ ways of working with git
Or precise guides of composing music
but at some point you realise there is no right way once you understand things enough, there is a continuum.
There is no right way and often you can do great things regradless exact formalisms etc
need to develop this thought more and come up with more examples

[2019-05-21] maybe blog once I develop the thought? [[toblog]]

[2019-05-21] or about the way I look, or the music I listen, or whether I socialize or not, or whether I have a girlfriend or not. There is no right way, and what’s the most important thing is no one actually gives much shit about what you are doing with your life.

[2019-12-22] Year in Review: 2019 :: Up and to the Right — Jonathan Borichevskiy


[2020-02-29] Find The Others - YouTube [[inspiration]]


[2020-01-19] Richard Feynman on Twitter: "• Read everyday. • Spend time with nature. • Ask questions. • Never stop learning. • Don’t pay attention to what others think of you. • Do what interests you the most. • Study hard. • Teach others what you know. • Make mistakes and learn. • It’s Okay to not know things! https://t.co/MmdOjZBWYd" / Twitter

<https://twitter.com/ProfFeynman/status/1218739120714985472 >

• Read everyday.
• Spend time with nature.
• Ask questions.
• Never stop learning.
• Don't pay attention to what others think of you.
• Do what interests you the most.
• Study hard.
• Teach others what you know.
• Make mistakes and learn.
• It's Okay to not know things!

[2020-05-21] Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s predictions for the future

And if we’re not out there, if the future does not include being out there among the stars and being a multiplanet species, I find that it’s incredibly depressing if that’s not the future that we’re going to have

[2020-02-04] Jonathan Borichevskiy on Twitter: "I really like this. Definitely intersects nicely with how I’ve been looking at my goals and objectives and how they interact with the people I connect with. https://t.co/5cJeMncNxm" / Twitter

<https://twitter.com/jborichevskiy/status/1224129914057773056 >

I really like this. Definitely intersects nicely with how I’ve been looking at my goals and objectives and how they interact with the people I connect with.

What My Book Ratings Mean · Ana Ulin [[rating]]


[2020-06-10] [Visakan Veerasamy on Twitter: "done! the cool thing about doing this is that it has revealed its structure to me – I didn’t plan out how all of this was going to be sorted, but "origin story / context", "tactics", "challenges", "end goal", "what I think I know" feels correct to me. now, the content page https://t.co/6qquA1XyFJ" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/visakanv/status/1260174038040641537 )

done! the cool thing about doing this is that it has revealed its structure to me – I didn't plan out how all of this was going to be sorted, but "origin story / context", "tactics", "challenges", "end goal", "what I think I know" feels correct to me.

[2019-01-25] My Impossible List | College Info Geek [[inspiration]]


interesting list of possible life goals

[2019-01-24] joshp23 comments on How to break up with someone you can’t bare to hurt [[relationships]] [[emotions]]


some comprehensive advice on mirroring, emotional honesty, questioning a relationship

[2019-06-13] How to Be Happy - LessWrong 2.0 [[gratitude]]


Develop the habit of gratitude. Savor the good moments throughout each day.38 Spend time thinking about happy memories.39 And at the end of each day, write down 5 things you are grateful for: the roof over your head, your good fortune at being born in a wealthy country, the existence of Less Wrong, the taste of chocolate, the feel of orgasm... whatever. It sounds childish, but it works

[2019-06-27] some sort of CV listing all things where I program/programmed

cause some things are not visible on github

professional yak shaver

[2019-06-13] How to Be Happy - LessWrong 2.0 [[social]]


[2019-06-13] some potentially useful advice in this post, but otherwise pretty trivial

should put discontinued in github project’s descriptions, so it’s visible on overview

[2019-12-21] Steve Schlafman 🌎 on Twitter: "I just sat down to kickoff my annual review for 2019 and begin to think about what I want to accomplish in 2020. If you would like to complete your own, here’s the template I use each year: https://t.co/R3M5G9V1Uj" / Twitter

<https://twitter.com/schlaf/status/1208471743108509696 >

I just sat down to kickoff my annual review for 2019 and begin to think about what I want to accomplish in 2020.
If you would like to complete your own, here's the template I use each year:

https://merveilles.town/@luxpris/103483748356708488 finding time

What I look like without the flesh prison


Tweet from @nikitavoloboev life themes

<https://twitter.com/nikitavoloboev/status/1231337713858732039 >

@nikitavoloboev: Recently inspired by @cgpgrey post on themes. Decided to note down some general themes of my own I want to focus my life on going forward.

[2020-05-05] Extremely disillusioned with technology. Please help | Hacker News

It's okay to build things that aren't popular, that don't scale, or that aren't economically viable, for the delight of a few users.

malleable organic memories with perfect digital archives. We will have a record [[toblog]]

from Exhalation by Ted Chiang

crap, it just feels like it’s taking WAY too much time to share thing [[totweet]] [[toblog]] [[software]]

maybe the next project – I’ll only share pointers to the tests & examples, let them figure out how to run it themselves

[2020-01-09] /uses


A list of /uses pages detailing developer setups, gear, software and configs.

[2020-07-06] [/dev/caneco on Twitter: "🔒"You found a secret!" Apparently `yourhandle/yourhandle` is a ✨special ✨ repository that you can use to add a https://t.co/vN1U0KwWlX to your GitHub profile. 🤭 https://t.co/60MQs0GagT" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/Caneco/status/1279434881253154817 )

Apparently `yourhandle/yourhandle` is a
 repository that you can use to add a http://README.md to your GitHub profile.

[2019-08-04] xkcd: Overstimulated https://xkcd.com/602/

[2020-05-29] [(20) Mek on Twitter: "This shirt makes meeting new people so fun + easy. Gives a new meaning to "wearing one’s ❤️ on one’s 👕". Why advertise a corporate logo when you can proudly wear your passions? + ppl have lots on their mind. A shirt may kindly help folks not feel shy if they forget your name! https://t.co/Wl1DGEZjyW" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/mekarpeles/status/1266466581451665408 )

This shirt makes meeting new people so fun + easy.
Gives a new meaning to "wearing one's
 on one's
". Why advertise a corporate logo when you can proudly wear your passions?

[2020-06-01] Stephen Wolfram: Cellular Automata, Computation, and Physics | AI Podcast 89 with Lex Fridman - YouTube [[death]]

damn, Wolfram’s thoughts on death and meaning are so similar to mine!

[2020-06-02] INSANE! SpaceX Falcon Heavy Side Boosters Landing Simultaneously at Kennedy Space Center - YouTube

gives me tears, every time!

[2020-06-06] How SpaceX Lands Rockets with Astonishing Accuracy - YouTube

damn, even this brought me some tears when I saw people cheering. fascinating


need to exercise
it's suffering  -> need to reduce the suffering -> don't exercise when it's hot -> wake up earlier -> go to bed earlier
                                                                                \> exercise late? but still might be hot even at 22:00
                                                                                   (either way, better to eat late than to exercise when it's hot)
so need to get as much from it as possible -> don't eat junk (and less bready things). if I exercise I could at least reap the benefits and look rip(er?)
just eat fucking supplements

[2020-06-24] (2) Ben Goertzel: Artificial General Intelligence | AI Podcast 103 with Lex Fridman - YouTube [[death]]

3:42:00 "death is bad. people will find meaning in anything. if someone is tortured, they would write a poem how it had a profound influence on their life"

[2020-07-16] [(1) Hilary Agro 🍄 on Twitter: "During my research I interviewed a guy who said he was a libertarian until he did MDMA and realized that other people have feelings, and that was pretty much the best summary of libertarianism I’ve ever heard" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/hilaryagro/status/1229177598003077123 ?lang=en)

During my research I interviewed a guy who said he was a libertarian until he did MDMA and realized that other people have feelings, and that was pretty much the best summary of libertarianism I've ever heard

[2019-05-26] Эмпатия в IT: как рационально использовать свою человеческую природу / Андрей Бреслав - YouTube


словарь эмоций
радость, интерес, страх, стыд
отвращение, тревога, раздражение, грусть

[2019-05-26] Эмпатия в IT: как рационально использовать свою человеческую природу / Андрей Бреслав - YouTube


если пытаться замечать физические ощущения, мысли "замедляются" и засчет этого проще замечать эмоции

[2019-05-26] Эмпатия в IT: как рационально использовать свою человеческую природу / Андрей Бреслав - YouTube


безопасность, автономия, игра, смысл, связь, физическое здоровье, честность, мир/cпокойствие

I’ve noticed that consciousness recedes when I’m deep in a coding phase, many back-to-back days in flow. My mind narrows to tunnel-vision, fixated on the software and its issues. My sense of self shrinks; non-code ideas cease to arise; I get less curious; writing yields little. [[flow]] [[coding]]

<https://twitter.com/andy_matuschak/status/1317657970864312321 >

[2020-10-22] George Hotz: Hacking the Simulation & Learning to Drive with Neural Nets | Lex Fridman Podcast 132 - YouTube

wow, Hotz has a similar opinion on Ayn Rand (the books in kind of entertaining pornography)

[2020-10-22] George Hotz: Hacking the Simulation & Learning to Drive with Neural Nets | Lex Fridman Podcast 132 - YouTube

fucking hell… he also named

  • permutation city
  • metamorphosis of prime intellect


[2020-10-18] [Andy Matuschak on Twitter: "I’ve noticed that consciousness recedes when I’m deep in a coding phase, many back-to-back days in flow. My mind narrows to tunnel-vision, fixated on the software and its issues. My sense of self shrinks; non-code ideas cease to arise; I get less curious; writing yields little." / Twitter](https://twitter.com/andy_matuschak/status/1317657970864312321 ) [[programming]]

[2020-10-18] [Eli Finer on Twitter: "@andymatuschak This was what convinced me to finally leave behind a career in coding after 25 years. I enjoy coding while I’m doing it, but if I do it for many hours in a day it seems to dry my soul. After a full day of coding I don’t want to be close to my wife, play with my kids or…" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/finereli/status/1317690194389213184 )

This was what convinced me to finally leave behind a career in coding after 25 years. I enjoy coding while I'm doing it, but if I do it for many hours in a day it seems to dry my soul. After a full day of coding I don't want to be close to my wife, play with my kids or...

[2020-10-18] [ryan on Twitter: "@Meaningness @andymatuschak suspect this is similar to "on a break mode" e.g. i took a 3 month holiday in 2018 after no more than 14 days off study/work since 2008. it took me about 6 to feel like I fully entered "on a break mode" (and, it was glorious)." / Twitter](https://twitter.com/context_ing/status/1317678157483241472 )

suspect this is similar to "on a break mode"
e.g. i took a 3 month holiday in 2018 after no more than 14 days off study/work since 2008.
it took me about 6 to feel like I fully entered "on a break mode" (and, it was glorious).

[2020-10-18] [ALXS on Twitter: "@andymatuschak @Meaningness This resonates with me 1000%. Coding creates a trance state that is seductive but sometimes sterile, bc the domain is often so narrow. The days are good but what kind of months do they add up to? But I wonder if I feel this way only bc I’m a bit fixated on self-expression." / Twitter](https://twitter.com/alexisgallagher/status/1317675992303874049 )

This resonates with me 1000%.
Coding creates a trance state that is seductive but sometimes sterile, bc the domain is often so narrow. The days are good but what kind of months do they add up to?
But I wonder if I feel this way only bc I’m a bit fixated on self-expression.

damn, this all is so fucking relatable!

[2020-07-17] Almost every time i wake up too late, I regret goring to bed late. But i never regretted waking up early, or even going to bad too early. Like, how would I even express this regret?? [[sleep]]

[2020-11-06] I kinda like that i have mental power to spend lots of time on seemingly boring stuff [[programming]]

(After refactoring porg/orgparse)

[2020-12-06] Favorite books 2020 [[outbox]] [[toblog]]

maybe share mine?..

I really need to figure out how to simplify good ideas I have and deliver them faster [[think]] [[publish]] [[writing]]

  • State "STRT" from "TODO" [2019-04-22]

[2020-05-13] real life > videogames

there is stuff to build and solve

[2021-01-21] it doesn’t mean that I judge you for playing video games, it’s just my way of staying away from them

* journal

[2020-10-09] Had a great pleasure listening to queen innuendo [[music]]

[2020-10-17] The smell of burned wood is amazing

[2020-12-07] I really love setting people exercise outdoors, especially when it’s cold/rainy [[exercise]]

[2020-12-16] .

Dunno wtf? I kinda chilled all day, barely worked, cooked etc
And yet I feel kinda sleepy, eyes really tired etc. The fuck is this??

[2020-12-19] .

Spent all day kinda procrastinating.. I definitely don’t seem to know how to relax
I guess in normal circumstances I could have gone bouldering or something

[2021-01-15] programming is the worst. it’s so empowering yet it takes fucking ages to get anything done [[programming]]

[2020-09-14] very happy seeing my old cross trainer dashboard and the new one in comparison… it contained all the old data, but also new enhanced stuff that was possible due to me better thinking about the problem & handling more consistently [[coding]]

[2020-05-08] I feel so fucking happy [[hpi]] [[self]]

HPI is on HN top and all positive responses from people who try to build similar things
I wanna jump!

[2019-08-06] async and js flow are extremely nice. I managed to do very complicated refactorings [[js]]

[2020-10-04] x [[appreciation]]

Felt so good walking in shorts in rain through London. I just walke, listened to music and thought about random stuff. Amazing.

[2020-10-06] again, excited how it’s all coming together [[hpi]]

gradually getting covered mypy, proper tests, fake data, everything starts making sense

[2020-12-23] shit. kinda wasted the evening

was gonna do some work on axol, or on blog… instead just not sure where to start from and just sort of procrastinating

should concentrate on releasing first version; not adding random features [[promnesia]]

[2019-08-08] ugh.

[2020-02-14] jesus!!!

[2020-05-01] yeah…

[2020-04-12] spent an hour trying to get org-sync back into the working state [[emacs]] [[elisp]]

<https://twitter.com/karlicoss/status/1249271137105838084 >
just fuck this. I’m better off rewriting it in Python

(switch-to-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously "https://api.github.com/repos/karlicoss/HPI/issues")

this (used in org-sync internals) simply results in empty buffer and silently ignored by org-sync. fucking hell.

[2020-07-20] kinda stupid that I am basically not using dron edit even though invested enough time into it [[dron]]

[2020-04-28] I haven’t solved all my goals, but at least i feel im on the right path [[promnesia]]

[2020-09-19] nice, everything is kind of coming together, pretty neatly. propagated fake data through the system, glued stuff together, etc. it could work [[hpi]] [[dashboard]]

I love open source [[self]]

If I encounter some problem in the software I use on daily basis and I can’t google it in couple of minutes, I will download the source code and investigate it myself. I’d normally fix it myself as well :) Check my Github and Bitbucket

start wrtiting down notes on all the various subjects I possibly think about [[exobrain]] [[self]]

nature environment family, sex, etc etc

[2019-12-17] [Riva on Twitter](https://twitter.com/rivatez/status/1207066466304045056 )

I'm 100% down for this plan. I *have* to be here when we meet aliens for the first time, develop interstellar travel, start exploring other galaxies, and eventually discover the meaning of life.

[2019-05-28] Tweet from Arula Ratnakar (@arulaartwork), at May 28, 12:00

If there was an option, right now, that could take the part of me that can spend eons just focused on a single task, and immortalize it, I would do it. I don't give a f*ck about youth or beauty or relationships in terms of preservation. That stuff is beautiful in its ephemerality

<https://twitter.com/arula_artwork/status/1133327170594467843 >

What if i can spend 100% time aware??? [[mind]] [[lucid]]

[2019-01-27] cyanicenine comments on Hobbies that provide cognitive benefits? [[cognitive]] [[sport]] [[hobby]]


Complex balance oriented sports like skiing, snowboarding, inline skating, skateboarding, wakeboarding, surfing, rock climbing and mountain biking. These kind of sports require you to be completely focused on your task or else you end up on your ass. By being so laser focused, body and mind, you can cheat your way to a zen like state where it's impossible for you to think of anything but the here and now, you are fully in the moment.

[2020-09-07] How can you make subjective time go slower? | Hacker News [[mind]]

Just do new things. Go to new places, talk to new people, try new things. It can be as simple as not taking the same route to work/grocery store/etc every time. Mix it up.
Some claim that time feels quicker as you get older because each passing minute is a smaller and smaller portion of your life(e.g. summer for a 6 year old is 5% of their life, whereas it is only half a percent of the life of a 50 year old). But I don't buy that.
Time goes quicker as you get older because people get stuck in the same routine, and it is quite easy to compress memories together when you do the same thing every day. So, go explore, every day, even if it is just mental exploration through books or music, and time will surely slow down.

[2020-06-16] emotion wheel [(1) QC on Twitter: "TL feels heavy today so let’s do another vibe check with the feel wheel. how’s everyone feeling today? in as much or as little detail as you’re into https://t.co/X95f6LZnV6" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/QiaochuYuan/status/1272990004633989120 ) [[emotions]]

TL feels heavy today so let's do another vibe check with the feel wheel. how's everyone feeling today? in as much or as little detail as you're into

[2020-04-06] (HN discussion on configs) wow, people have such strong opinions about software architecture, what it should be and what it shouldn’t be etc

Like, unconditionally assuming that there is data and there is code, and that there is no middle ground whatsoever
often assuming there is one single way of doing things and that’s it. incredible

[2020-02-20] Эмпатия, поддержка, принятие - YouTube [[empathy]]

good talk, most clear explanation I’ve seen

[2020-02-20] Honesty and polyamory in a big city | Andrew Breslav | TEDxSPbPU - YouTube [[polyamory]]

TLDR: be as honest as possible

[2019-01-11] Therapy and rationality /r/slatestarcodex [[therapy]]

I hope this is relevant here since the blog itself is at the intersection of these two subjects. I'm aware there was a long thread about therapy recently, but this is a more specific question.
I've tried a few different therapists now in the attempt to find one who's right for me, and at least two have independently told me the same thing: that my mode of discussion in the therapy sessions is too "abstract". This tends to happen when I start talking about percentage probabilities, or how well a theory fits the available facts, or whether a causal chain has a weak link – in other words, what they call "abstract", I would call scientific or rationalist.
When I use language like this, I'm usually trying to clarify and evaluate some assertion they've made about how my unconscious works, or what is happening in my life, or whatever. ("You think you want X, but maybe really you want Y, and that's why you do Z" etc.) And I feel like, in some cases, when their hypothesis is analysed more rigorously, it's revealed as a bit strained or patchy – as in so many fields, a vague formulation makes a half-baked claim sound at least initially plausible.
I'm not trying to claim I'm "too intelligent for therapy"! (These therapists have stunned me with their insights sometimes.) Only that a rationalist approach sometimes helps cut through some of the fog – and yet therapists don't seem to welcome it much.
Is there a real conflict here? Is therapy – at least as it's conventionally practised in the English-speaking world – inherently wary of an empiricist mindset? Or do I just need to keep looking for a therapist who thinks the way I do? I assume that when Scott Alexander is seeing patients, he is open to this stuff!

[2019-09-30] michaelnielsen on Twitter: "Without the sunk cost fallacy I’m not sure I’d ever have finished anything 😀" / Twitter [[writing]]

<https://twitter.com/michael_nielsen/status/1062032179016818691 >

Without the sunk cost fallacy I'm not sure I'd ever have finished anything 

[2019-10-09] How to Pick Your Life Partner - Part 1 — Wait But Why [[relationships]]

No, when it comes to dating, society frowns upon thinking too much about it, instead opting for things like relying on fate, going with your gut, and hoping for the best. If a business owner took society’s dating advice for her business, she’d probably fail, and if she succeeded, it would be partially due to good luck—and that’s how society wants us to approach dating.

[2019-09-03] Quora Answers by David Pearce (2015 - 2019 ) : transhumanism with a human face [[solipsism]]


I once received a letter from an eminent logician, Mrs. Christine Ladd-Franklin, saying that she was a solipsist, and was surprised that there were no others. Coming from a logician and a solipsist, her surprise surprised me.”

[2019-11-24] The World’s Oldest Construction Project | Sagrada Familia - YouTube

wow the ending almost caused some tears

[2019-02-20] Therapy and rationality : slatestarcodex [[therapy]]


I was discussing a problem with my good friend and he said something very interesting to me: "You are intelligent enough to provide an internally consistent rational framework to justify pretty much any belief you might have. But you don't have that belief because it is the rational thing to believe; people don't work like that. You started with your emotions and rationalized them to yourself. So I'm not even going to discuss that rationalization with you. I will give you advice about how to react to your emotions and I think you'll end up happier if you listen."

[2019-12-01] Tweet from Caitlin (@caithuls), at Dec 1, 01:52 [[meatspace]]

[me doing body positivity] I love my skin prison

<https://twitter.com/caithuls/status/1005980923249283073 >

[2020-03-20] Build stuff


[2019-10-18] Things I Dont Know as of 2018 | Lobsters


[2019-11-22] huh. I know so many of these things on the other hand! https://overreacted.io/things-i-dont-know-as-of-2018

[2019-06-10] Tweet from Альфина (@alphyna), at Jun 10, 14:02

интересный факт: если много месяцев подряд хуячить, свету белого не видя, то когда таки разжимаешь булки, можешь обнаружить, что вместе с шедевром из тебя случайно высралась вся душа.

<https://twitter.com/alphyna/status/1138068869279621120 >

[2019-07-30] people in replies seem to enjoy very simple things. almost too simple

[2019-06-18] Do you ever feel like a robot? (Kindof a rant) /r/INTP [[emotions]]

Here's the good news: emotional deficiency can be trained. Basically, fake it until you can make it. It will however take its own sweet time, so you have to be persistent.

[2021-01-06] [jestem króliczkiem on Twitter: "Really enjoyed this episode, so much passion when Fyodor speaks of his work 🤩" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/karlicoss/status/1346614707243929603 ) [[self]] [[emotions]]

Really enjoyed this episode, so much passion when Fyodor speaks of his work 

I like when people are passionate and excited about their work and hobbies? Makes me smile and kind of inspired?

[2020-10-13] Вера Котельникова: зачем вообще ходить на свидания (подкаст «правило 34») - YouTube [[social]] [[relationships]]

[2020-06-17] (1) Joe Rogan Experience #1342 - John Carmack - YouTube [[cyberspace]]

1:16 Carmack speaking about good sides of online

dependency/milestone graph [[self]] [[toblog]]

need to live long <- need to be physically healthy <- need to eat good food <- research/learn about the nutrition, different diets etc <-
log all food <- can’t log restaurant/takeaway food <- cook almost all food by youself
need to spend less time cooking food <- become less fussy, cook in bulk, as little prep and processing as possible_

things that interest me: learning mathematics and alternative ways of doing so [[math]]

proof assitants, visual things (autopology)

smaller separate updates feed for a ‘one year later’ commentary? [[blog]]



[2019-12-04] Physical Activity and Sports https://web.archive.org/web/20190714095626/http://catb.org/jargon/html/physical.html

Among those who do, interest in spectator sports is low to non-existent; sports are something one does, not something one watches on TV.

[2019-06-23] 7 Secrets About Being in a Relationship With an INTJ Personality https://introvertdear.com/news/7-secrets-about-dating-an-intj/ [[intj]]

huh, it’s ridiculous how me is that

[2021-01-18] Ode to a Flower: Richard Feynman’s Famous Monologue on Knowledge and Mystery, Animated – Brain Pickings

I have a friend who’s an artist and has sometimes taken a view which I don’t agree with very well. He’ll hold up a flower and say “look how beautiful it is,” and I’ll agree. Then he says “I as an artist can see how beautiful this is but you as a scientist take this all apart and it becomes a dull thing,” and I think that he’s kind of nutty. First of all, the beauty that he sees is available to other people and to me too, I believe…

I can appreciate the beauty of a flower. At the same time, I see much more about the flower than he sees. I could imagine the cells in there, the complicated actions inside, which also have a beauty. I mean it’s not just beauty at this dimension, at one centimeter; there’s also beauty at smaller dimensions, the inner structure, also the processes. The fact that the colors in the flower evolved in order to attract insects to pollinate it is interesting; it means that insects can see the color. It adds a question: does this aesthetic sense also exist in the lower forms? Why is it aesthetic? All kinds of interesting questions which the science knowledge only adds to the excitement, the mystery and the awe of a flower. It only adds. I don’t understand how it subtracts.

very similar to my perception!

[2021-02-07] [(1) Pete Fraser on Twitter: "I literally cannot believe that a full year down the line, people still use ‘it won’t kill *me*’ as an argument in public. Think what you like about any of it, but if the fact that you personally not being in a risk group is your cue to not take care, that says a lot about you." / Twitter](https://twitter.com/petefrasermusic/status/1358478540577116160 )

I literally cannot believe that a full year down the line, people still use ‘it won’t kill *me*’ as an argument in public.

Think what you like about any of it, but if the fact that you personally not being in a risk group is your cue to not take care, that says a lot about you.

feels like covid taught me something about cooperation & personal risk
I definitely became more appreciative of regulations (even though governments are kinda shit at them)

[2020-10-24] Death apologists make me a little frustrated and kinda.. tired?

[2021-03-13] inspiration: Fabien Benetou’s PIM | Fabien / Beliefs [[self]]

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