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📅 Date [[2025-01-19]]
📅 Date [[2025-01-18]]
📅 Date [[2025-01-17]]
- I went to bed a bit later than expected, at around 3am, but it was a productive night and I still managed to sleep enough so I have no regrets :)
- The [[dishwasher]] repairperson came over, fingers crossed I’ll have a dishwasher again! Not having it (after only a few years of having it) really made me appreciate it specially.
- Then I plan to [[work]] mostly on [[AI]] stuff today.
- Then we might go to [[Manor]] with [[AG]] :)
📅 Date [[2025-01-16]]
- [[work]]
- [[social coop organizing circle]]
- [[AG]]: was going to come over but stayed home, we’ll see each other tomorrow :)
- thanks to I’m now running this editor under , one incremental step closer to serving editors for other users :)
📅 Date [[2025-01-14]]
I’m writing this from [[sariputta]] projected on the wall in the guest room :)
- While watching [[3blue1brown]], checking [[essence of calculus]]. I last studied calculus 15+ years ago :)
📅 Date [[2025-01-13]]
Yesterday I ended up working on Sunday as planned and I enjoyed it.
- I also took time to practice, and play, and that made a large difference.
[[flow state]]:
- [[flow state radio]]
- I made the move to the office around lunch, now I’m heading into a longish in-office flow session which might last five hours! Wish me luck :)
- I like the addition of ctrl+s to save a page a lot
- I’m also using ctrl+e to edit — maybe it would be ideal if it started the editing session at the end of the document instead of the beginning?
- Alternatively I think ctrl+s maybe should save but not go back to view mode; unsure.
- Researching how to publish [[snippets]] at work from the command line :)
Reading [[Not the End of the World]]
- Hmm, just plainly stated that [[Degrowth]] is wrong.
- There was a mention of ‘effective’ optimism. Hope that’s not aligned with effective altruism.
📅 Date [[2025-01-12]]
Copy/pasted from somewhere:
[[Demo mode]]:
- This will slowly but ~surely happen :)
- Add a toggle
Add code that plays a midi
- -> [[Lady Burup]]
Add code that plays an mp3
- -> [[Heinali]]
- Add auto-scrolling, auto opening of zippies
- [[Add users]]
[[Demo mode]]:
Copy/pasted from somewhere:
- [[worked]] and I liked it
- [[donated]]
- [[musikino]] is back!
[[prana]] now documented lightly in the Agora :)
- as usual you can use e.g. to do the yoga session for ‘day 6’, whatever that means to you. I usually do one of go/flow, go/move, etc. on rotation :)
- [[Vajradhara]] and [[Vajrasattva]]
📅 Date [[2025-01-11]]
I resigned from the [[]] [[Community Working Group]] the day after starting the [[vote to suspend meta]] after much discussion and a quick draft done with/for the community. It felt like it was the right time to disengage after I received criticism yet again for ‘moving too fast’ despite looping in people earlier and doing what I thought was a fully reasonable pro-social action to advance discussion (start a proposal on Loomio). This after concerns were escalated by multiple community members, including to the CWG, about feeling like less of a safe space due to our lack of visible response.
- One of the criticisms I got amounted (paraphrasing for effect) to needing to have more pre-meetings and go slower. I am fine not having pre-meetings or anything of the sort and doing more and talking less in 2025 as far as I can (within reason), so it seemed like a good moment to finish my CWG engagement (after several years) and focus on the Tech Working Group and the Organizing Circle instead. The CWG is now well-staffed so I am not needed there anymore, which I am thankful for to the people who remain!
- In general the negativity I had gotten used to getting from some members was a bit of an energy drain, and I realized I could use my time more constructively for the community in the other engagements I plan to keep.
- [[Bull]] is looking great! I’m now serving it (for myself only for the time being) at .
Reading [[Not the End of the World]]
Got it on [[]].
- Intrigued to see how it pans out. Purports to be a data-backed, optimistic approach to tackling [[climate change]].
Got it on [[]].