This is the [[index]] of my [[digital garden]], which serves also as an entry point of sorts to the wider [[Agora of Flancia]].
If you are reading this in an [[Agora]] proper (e.g. [[git repository]]), consider visiting [[wikilinks]] and other amenities ;) A short introduction to the Agora The Agora has two basic building blocks: [[nodes]] and [[links]]. An Agora [[node]] is a collection of files related to what the node is about, as described by its title. In this garden most nodes describe people, things, ideas, and other concepts. The file you are reading is in node [[index]] because it is called ‘’. An Agora [[link]] is any concept in [[double square brackets]] that is found in an Agora node. Agora Journals are just nodes whose titles look like dates, like e.g. those matching [[ISO 8601]] or [[RFC 3339]] dates like [[2025-02-04]]. A short introduction to this garden The following might be interesting nodes to start browsing this garden, and with it the Agora at large. [[Person]]: contains links to nodes about [[people]]. [[Agora]]: I write about the Agora often, in the Agora of course :) This node, like all and the Agora proper, is a [[work in progress]] — but it should be a reasonable starting point to understand what the [[Agora]] is and what it tries to achieve. [[Commons]]: the Agora aims to be a [[Free]] [[Knowledge]] [[Commons]] for the benefit of its users and all sentient beings in general. A lot of my writing has to do with the Commons in one way or another, so this is a good place to start. Beyond checking the resources proper, which are mostly but not exclusively text notes in [[Markdown]] format, remember to check for [[links]] in and out of each node. How to contribute to an Agora See the burger menu on [[Bull]][ ([[MIT]] license) <- start here by default as of the time of writing ([[2025]]). [[Silver Bullet]] ([[MIT]] license). [[Logseq]] ([[AGPL]]). [[Obsidian]] (closed source). Then sign up for a [[git]] host, like (or the better known and decent but corporate-run, upload your garden to it (this yields the nice side effect of keeping it backed up but under your control!) and send us its location and your desired username. See [[Agora signup]] for more. You can also contribute straight from the [[Fediverse]] or [[Bluesky]] by following an account and writing posts in a particular format; again, see the burger menu on [[reach out]] if you want to try [[note taking]] or are interested in any of these topics and need help, regardless of whether you would like to contribute your notes to the [[Agora]].
The Agora has two basic building blocks: [[nodes]] and [[links]].
An Agora [[node]] is a collection of files related to what the node is about, as described by its title. In this garden most nodes describe people, things, ideas, and other concepts. The file you are reading is in node [[index]] because it is called ‘’.
An Agora [[link]] is any concept in [[double square brackets]] that is found in an Agora node.
Agora Journals are just nodes whose titles look like dates, like e.g. those matching [[ISO 8601]] or [[RFC 3339]] dates like [[2025-02-04]].
The following might be interesting nodes to start browsing this garden, and with it the Agora at large.
Beyond checking the resources proper, which are mostly but not exclusively text notes in [[Markdown]] format, remember to check for [[links]] in and out of each node.
See the burger menu on
Then sign up for a [[git]] host, like (or the better known and decent but corporate-run, upload your garden to it (this yields the nice side effect of keeping it backed up but under your control!) and send us its location and your desired username. See [[Agora signup]] for more.
You can also contribute straight from the [[Fediverse]] or [[Bluesky]] by following an account and writing posts in a particular format; again, see the burger menu on
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