📕 Node [[org mode]]
📄 org mode.md by @flancian ️🔗 ✍️
📄 org mode.md by @vera
📄 org-mode.md by @neil ️🔗 ✍️


Find some more info in [[My Spacemacs User Config]].

See also [[org-mode and GTD]].

Publishing a knowledge base with org-mode

This personal wiki is [[written in org-mode]] style plain text and exported to HTML.

Useful links


Oh man. Just discovered org-download. So useful!

Works best with ‘import %s’ to my mind. gnome-screenshot blocks the window, whereas with import I can still tab around and select which window to capture and all that.


I use this to get a better layout in org-agenda.


Dang, the marking and performing actions of multiple items in the agenda is super useful. Especially to think you can write your own arbitrary function to run, too.


[[Speeding up bulk archiving in org-agenda]]

PDF Tools

I added this via the pdf layer from spacemacs. It’s handy for sure.

📄 Org-mode.md by @scalingsynthesis ️🔗 ✍️

Authored by:: [[P- Brendan Langen]]

Org-mode is a GNU Emacs major mode for convenient plain text markup — and much more. It’s designed for PKM and task management, as an open source system.


Developed in early 2000’s, with focus on enabling reproducibility with literate programming patterns. Full system described in [[R- A Multi-Language Computing Environment]]

[[Pasted image 20210916110008.png]]

[[Pasted image 20210916110038.png]]

📄 org mode.md by @agora@botsin.space
📄 org mode.md by @an_agora@twitter.com
📄 org mode.md by @anagora@matrix.org

Loading pushes...

Rendering context...

📕 Node [[org mode markup cheatsheet]] pulled by user
📕 Node [[org_mode]] pulled by the Agora
  • Basic Formatting
  • Plugins
  • Strategies
    • Notes
    • LaTeX
    • Zotero
    • Project Management
  • Capture
  • Agenda
  • Wiki
    • Org-Roam
    • Weight tracking and fitness
📕 Node [[orgmode]] pulled by the Agora

Table of Contents

related [[pkm]] [[emacs]] [[orgparse]]

organelle is quite good for a project name? [[project]]

oh for fucks sake it doesn’t support <something.org#anymore??? [[github]]

fuck maybe it just never worked???
this "For instructions, see the special buffer howto." should be file link.. but not working here

custom timestamp formats for specific file?

-*- org-time-stamp-custom-formats: ("<%Y-%m-%d>" . "<%Y%m%d>") -*-

use with ‘org-toggle-time-stamp-overlays?’

make ,s to "refile to the same file"? i.e. "sink"

refile with inherited tags

  • State "STRT" from "TODO" [2019-02-16]

[2019-02-16] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html//emacs-orgmode/2009-04/msg00149.html eh, not very helpful.. looks like it’s not there


Really need to auto save on some operations? E.g. refile

[2019-10-07] outline sections Weekly /r/Orgmode Open Discussion - October 04, 2019 /r/orgmode [[blog]]

No … But workarounds exist … https://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html#closing-outline-sections

[2018-10-27] Fast refiling in org-mode with hydras | Josh Moller-Mara https://mollermara.com/blog/Fast-refiling-in-org-mode-with-hydras/

Map unschedule to capital u?

fucking hell helm tag completion is annyoing [[emacs]]

perhaps has to do with this… https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/32473/edit-org-mode-tags-using-ido-or-ivy-completion

[2019-10-01] alphapapa/org-sidebar: A helpful sidebar for Org mode


[2019-10-06] ok, interesting but not sure how it would be useful for me?

[2020-12-06] org-sidebar-backlinks looks good? maybe use a sidebar with all todo items summary

need to setup a hook though to refresh it on buffer switch

[2019-10-05] Is it possible to clear src results in org-mode? - Emacs Stack Exchange


Option 2 - Use :results replace drawer

use two different refiles: one file level, another heading level; use heading refile more often

refresh agenda after doing actions on it, right now completed future tasks still appear on agenda

CREATED: [2018-01-23]

org-refile: make case insensitive

check out more defaul org-evil-agenda bindings [[doom]]

[2020-01-10] Amazing library for org hackers /r/emacs


[2020-02-16] alphapapa/org-ql: An Org-mode query language, including search commands and saved views


Note: This command uses non-sexp queries.

Github orgmode handling

[2019-07-30] novoid/github-orgmode-tests: This is a test project where you can explore how github interprets Org-mode files


for fucks sake https://github.com/wallyqs/org-ruby/issues/45

named +result heading seems to be broken…

[2020-02-26] ah, maybe it’s fine.. just needs :exports results?

[2020-03-17] yeah, it’s org-ruby and it’s #+results: thing that’s breaking it…

[2020-05-10] right. apparently preempting with newline and using a drawe allows not to remove it?

see hpi/doc/MODULES.org

[2020-07-15] right. apparently, :results scalar wraps it in beginexample and also works? see kobuddy

ugh, seems that #+result drawer fails to render?

like in arctee

#+begin_src sh :results output replace :exports output
./arctee.py --help


caveat: github doesn’t respect your custom ids [[transclusion]] [[github]] [[org]]

e.g. it’s generating "How do you use it?" -> how-do-you-use-it

search for completed tasks that have todo subtasks?

perhaps need to filter some files for org-ql search

e.g. files without tags like twitter.org. Maybe the easiest to make them .txt actually??

autorefresh agenda?


(defun org-agenda-refresh ()
  "Refresh all `org-agenda' buffers."
  (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
    (with-current-buffer buffer
      (when (derived-mode-p 'org-agenda-mode)

hide drill from agenda

[2019-10-26] Code blocks - Org Babel reference card [[blog]]
