πŸ“• Node [[2021-01-04]]
↳ πŸ““ Resource @vera/2021 01 04
πŸ“„ 2021-01-04.md by @vera
  • TIL you can use dashes for bullets, I’ve been using asterisks.

  • Pushed the [[agora]] browser extension to public repo

  • Tempted to move my private notes into another system, I’m kinda tired of managing two repos. Maybe obsidian can do that bit for me

    • GitJournal only allows me one repo turns out
  • Thinking about if I want to start using a feed reader or if fedi is enough

  • TIL Β€ is unicode for "generic currency symbol"

    • Woke up later than I was meaning to.

    • I wish there was a better [[roam-like]] for mobile. I’m using [[GitJournal]] and it’s a little too limited.

    • My msg on [[fedi]] got a bunch of likes

    • A bunch of intellectual types started following me on [[twitter]] recently

    • Been talking to my friend Grace about [[dmt]] and the nature of reality. We got stoned on her [[volcano]] the other night and listened to [[Terrance McKenna]] talks on YouTube

    • TIL [[git]] comes with examples for [[git hooks]] in .git/hooks for every new repo you initialize

  • It doesn’t look like [[agora]] currently supports triple-tick format, I’m not sure the proper name for it

  • Started using [[hypothes.is]] to comment on nodes in the [[agora]], I’m mostly just writing comments on flancians dailys

  • Was just checking out https://beepb00p.xyz/blog-graph.html interesting to see blog as a graph very [[roam-like]]

  • checking out [[dendron]] It’s a [[vscode]] extension like [[foam]]

  • reading about [[ditherpunk]]

  • reading about [[ontic structural realism]]

  • The [[daily note]] idea is interesting because the bounds of the "note entity" are not set by the content of the note but instead by an external celestial cycle, planets orbiting stars is literally what determines the start and end of my files. That’s pretty nuts

  • Talking to my friend about some of the frustrations of both [[matrix]] and [[xmpp]]

    • thinking of looking into [[tox]]
    • found https://darkcrystal.pw/
      • being implemented in [[briar]] which seems like a cool app but I don’t know anyone using it
      • also looks to be plugged into [[ssb]]
        • Might check out again since it seems like they added some stuff?
    • found [[arbor.chat]]
      • Arbor is an open-source chat collaboration system that thinks a little differently about conversations. Arbor captures more of the context of messages than traditional chat, allowing you and your peers to communicate more clearly with less effort.
      • it looks like pretty early days but still interesting
  • turns out the [[matrix]] homeserver was just needing to be restarted. software as a service is so finicky

  • found [[simplecss]]

  • my friend [[shae]] showed me a video about geometry in higher dimensions

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