📕 Node [[index]]
📄 index.md by @agora

Welcome to the [[Agora of Flancia]]!

This [[Agora]] is a [[Knowledge Commons]].

If you don’t know what the above means (yet), don’t fret: it just means it is a space that a community can build by pooling together resources, information, intentions. The Agora tries to integrate user contributions into a useful social (higher level) construct while preserving individual voices.

When you visit an Agora location, you visit a [[node]] in a shared graph — which depending on usage can mean a topic, a pattern, or just an arbitrarily named location. There you will find all resources that the Agora thinks have a claim to be in that node, either directly by name or indirectly by association. By default all relevant resources will be shown one after the other, but more sophisticated interactions are possible.

If you would like to join this Agora, please refer to [[Agora signup]].

The [[Agora Platform]] you are (likely) reading this in is [[Free Software]]. If you would like to contribute or are interested in running your own Agora, please refer to [[Agora install]] and consider joining [[Flancia Collective]] or reaching out to a member. We are a loose collection of people who [[work in public]] developing this Agora.

Thank you for visiting the Agora. May you be happy!

📄 index.md by @flancian ️🔗 ✍️

This is the [[index]] of my [[digital garden]] — which serves, by extension, as an entry point to the [[Agora of Flancia]].

If you are reading this in an [[Agora]] proper, you should see it rendered surrounded by several other indexes — potentially one for each user contributing to the Agora, in some order :) If you are reading this in [[git]] or an only partially supported editor, please visit anagora.org or some other well-known Agora to render this with resolved links and full context :).

You can add your own contributions to the index of any Agoras you participate in by adding a resource like index.md to your [[garden]] or [[stoa]]. More in general, resources matching a particular title will show up in matching nodes or Agora locations.

Please see [[how to edit this Agora]] below if you’re interested in contributing or [[how to run an Agora]] for instructions for running your own.


A [[node]] is a collection of [[resources]] having to do with a topic; a [[thing]] or an [[idea]] or whatever you want it to be.

The following are maybe interesting nodes to serve as entry points to this garden, and to the Agora at large.

  • [[Person]]: contains links to nodes about [[people]].
  • [[Agora]]: I write about the Agora often, in the Agora of course :) This node, like all and the Agora proper, is a [[work in progress]] — but it should be a reasonable starting point to understand what the [[Agora]] is and what it tries to achieve.
  • [[Commons]]: the [[Free]] [[Commons]] is an ideal that the Agora tries to uphold and represent for the benefit of its users and all sentient beings. A lot of my writing has to do with the Commons in one way or another.
  • #go: you can find in the context links to nodes which contain a URL marked as canonical for the topic in question. It is an example of an [[Agora action]] which [[redirects]] to these URLs on demand.

Beyond checking the resources in the nodes proper (mostly text notes), remember to check for [[links]] in and out of each context established through use.


How to contribute to this Agora

If you like to take personal notes (recommended)

See [[Agora editors]] for alternatives. I ([[Flancian]]) currently recommend:

Then sign up for a [[git]] provider, like https://codeberg.org (or the better known and decent but corporate-run https://github.com), upload your garden to it (this yields the nice side effect of keeping it backed up but under your control!) and send us its location and your desired username. See [[Agora signup]] for more.

If you prefer to contribute from social media

You can also contribute straight from the [[Fediverse]] once you get an account in a server (e.g. one providing [[Mastodon]] to a community, or one you run yourself). I am part of and help run [[social.coop]]; it is a good one if you are interested in [[cooperativism]]. There’s thousands more! See [[Map of the Fediverse]] for more.

Once you sign up to the [[Fediverse]], you can follow [[@agora@botsin.space]] and it will watch your posts for [[wikilinks]]. You can configure the bot to include the full text of your post or only links; and to also include, and respond to, post with #hashtags.

If you just want to write down something quickly and don’t care about attribution

Consider just leaving an anonymous note anywhere around the [[Agora]] in a [[stoa]], which is a public space meant for collaboration (think [[wiki]] or shared editor) available in each [[node]].

For more

Please [[reach out]] if you want to try [[note taking]] or the [[Fediverse]], regardless of whether you would like to contribute your notes to the [[Agora]]; if you have any questions; or if you need [[help]] in general!

If you remember one thing, remember this: [[In Flancia there is an Agora]] :)

-> [[Agora Development]] [[Agora Discuss]]

Back here on [[2024-03-18]], after I thought: [[throw a nine]]. I have been playing with dice with [[Lady Burup]] :)

If you remember some other words from all I write, remember these: [[Maitreya]], [[Tara]], [[Avalokiteshvara]]!

📄 index.md by @vera
📄 index.md by @j0lms
📄 index.md by @ankostis

Waste of time

Welcome to the [[digital-garden]]* of [[ankostis]].

  • [[inbox]] - a place to write down quick notes to be categorized later
  • [[todo]] - a place to keep track of things to do
  • [[PKDB]] - Personal Knowledge Database setup & TODOs
  • [[Freedom]] - Liberation of the human race from itself
* this garden is based on foam.
📄 index.md by @ankostis


Info Links

📄 index.myco by @betula-site ️🔗

Betula is a free federated self-hosted single-user bookmarking software for the independent web. Use it to organize references or maintain a linklog.


  • Publish bookmarks, along with optional title and description formatted with Mycomarkup.

  • Add tags to your bookmarks.

  • Bookmarks can be public or private. Share only what you want to share!

  • Simple user interface that does not require JavaScript.

    • If you have JavaScript, you can use tag autocompletion.

  • The whole collection is saved as a single SQLite file.

  • IndieWeb microformats are produced.

  • Simple installation: the program is one binary, the collection is one file, all configuration is done through the web interface.

  • Bookmarklet.

  • Built-in documentation.

  • Searching.

  • Fediverse support.

    • People can subscribe to your Betula from Mastodon, Akkoma, Smithereen and whatnot and receive all new public bookmarks.


See also main developer's personal instance. Subscribe from any Fediverse software. Contact if you want to get your instance listed here.

Release notes

New versions come out every 3 months or so.

📄 index.md by @bmann

This is my space for Notes, saving and highlighting Articles and other Links.

Recent Blog Posts

(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)

Recent Journals

(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)


You can browse current and past [[Projects]]. These are mainly small [[Vancouver]] focused things, I’m pretty busy as the founder of [[Fission]].

Starting with the [[Startup]] note, there are various operations guides, products, and recommendations to explore.

If I haven’t sent it to you already, you should read [[When Tailwinds Vanish: The Internet in the 2020s]].

The [[Gumroad No Full Time Employees]] article is also a good read.


Latest post from blog.bmannconsulting.com:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://micro.blog/sidebar.js?username=boris&count=1”>
📄 index.md by @communecter

Technical Doc Index

This is a tree type document listing all features and trying to document each one of them in sub document




search doc



export doc



[recherche](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/recherche.md)


[cartes doc](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/agenda.md)


[cartes doc](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/cartes.md)

DDA / Espace CO

[sondages](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/sondages.md) [espace co](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/espaceco.md)

ECO / Classifieds / Annonces

[annonces](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/annonces.md)


[Galerie](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/galerie.md)



COstums (module costum)

COforms (module survey)

[coforms Tech](../08 - COForms/coforms Tech.md) [cobservatory](../09 - CObservatory/dashboards.md)


📄 index.md by @communecter

Divers Projets Type

Appel à Projet


  • Costum
  • un Territoire est un projet Candidat avec plusieurs états
  • les territoires lauréats ouvre un appel à projet écologie locale
  • les fiches actions proposées sont des projets
  • Formulaire COFORMS à 4 étape
    • Detail
    • Caractériser (Domaine d’action, Objectif Dev Durable)
    • Murir
    • Contractualiser
    • Suivre
  • Arborescence
    • National
      • Annuaire des territoires
      • Annuaire des actions
      • Dashboard : Observatoire de l’écologie
      • Territoire
        • Communauté (Partenaire, Financeur)
        • Chiffre Locaux, Observatoire Local
        • Fiche Action
          • Communauté (Partenaire, Financeur)

Science Participative


Filière et écosystème == Communauté Sectorielle

Hub Ultra Marin


Pacte pour la transition

Collectivité et Territoire

Ville de la Possession

📄 index.md by @communecter

Technical Doc Index

This is a tree type document listing all features and trying to document each one of them in sub document




search doc



export doc



[recherche](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/recherche.md)


[cartes doc](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/agenda.md)


[cartes doc](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/cartes.md)

DDA / Espace CO

[sondages](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/sondages.md) [espace co](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/espaceco.md)

ECO / Classifieds / Annonces

[annonces](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/annonces.md)


[Galerie](../02 - Utiliser l’outil/Fonctionnalités/galerie.md)



COstums (module costum)

COforms (module survey)

[coforms Tech](../08 - COForms/coforms Tech.md) [cobservatory](../09 - CObservatory/dashboards.md)


📄 index.md by @communecter

Divers Projets Type

Appel à Projet


  • Costum
  • un Territoire est un projet Candidat avec plusieurs états
  • les territoires lauréats ouvre un appel à projet écologie locale
  • les fiches actions proposées sont des projets
  • Formulaire COFORMS à 4 étape
    • Detail
    • Caractériser (Domaine d’action, Objectif Dev Durable)
    • Murir
    • Contractualiser
    • Suivre
  • Arborescence
    • National
      • Annuaire des territoires
      • Annuaire des actions
      • Dashboard : Observatoire de l’écologie
      • Territoire
        • Communauté (Partenaire, Financeur)
        • Chiffre Locaux, Observatoire Local
        • Fiche Action
          • Communauté (Partenaire, Financeur)

Science Participative


Filière et écosystème == Communauté Sectorielle

Hub Ultra Marin


Pacte pour la transition

Collectivité et Territoire

Ville de la Possession

📄 index.org by @jakeisnt
📄 index.md by @mwt

Matthew’s Index

Hi, I’m Matthew Thomas ([[@mwt/identity]]) you can find my things at [[@mwt/README]].

📄 Index.md by @protopian

Welcome to my little corner of the Agora.

Find out more info about [[Me]]

What I’m thinking about: [[Governance]] [[Coordination]] [[Social Media]] [[Incentives]] [[Protopia]] [[Science-Fiction]]

📄 index.md by @unrival

This knowledge graph is a work in progress that will eventually become a specification for the unrival protocol.

Unrival is a protocol that can be used to create bottom-up, distributed social credit networks. These networks can track the credibility of their member agents, whose actions may lead to accumultation or loss of credit (a proxy for credibility).

Agents of disjoint networks with very different notions of credibility — divided by political or religious differences, for example — can nonetheless exchange credit, because Unrival ledgers implement the recursive credit-commons-protocol.

The intended effect is the rectification-of-names. In colloquial terms, this means making sure things are what they say they are (at least within the confines of an Unrival network)

Ultimately, the goal is to create a foundation for effective decentralized governance. We believe in rules over rulers. And since Unrival is adaptive, principles over rules.

To learn more, have a look at the whitepaper: https://github.com/unrival-protocol/documentation/blob/main/source/whitepaper.org

To contribute, please get in touch with: dvdgdnjsph at gmail dot com

📄 index.md by @vera-logseq

[flancia social impact]: flancia social impact.md "flancia social impact" [//end]: # &quot;Autogenerated link references"

📄 index.md by @vera@ctzn.one

This is my index. yolo

📄 index.md by @anonymous@doc.anagora.org ✍️

Ahoy there!

We recently moved from [[etherpad]] to [[hedgedoc]] for the default stoa, so some data is missing. It will be restored at a later time.


As of [[2021-12-19]], [[stoa]] docs are auto imported into the Agora as full blown resources after ~1 minute from editing on average.

📄 index.md by @agora@botsin.space
📄 index.md by @an_agora@twitter.com

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