Journal entries in the last 60 days

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πŸ“… day [[2024-04-26]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-23]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-04-22]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-21]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-04-20]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-04-19]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-04-18]]
  • Flying to the [[US]]!
    • Not staying super long, but I’m attending a wedding and visiting a few museums I’ve never visited before.
    • I slept badly tonight, and the day before, due to different reasons — the first night it was due to trip prep, the second it was due to a (surprise, as usual) allergy attack that kept me up/very uncomfortable until late. Happy to have made it to the flight only looking slightly like a cat (because of how my eyes swell, I get a bit of a feline look for hours-days after an attack).
    • Listening to [[Lex Fridman]] with [[Jimbo Wales]] on topics like the history of wikipedia. Very interesting as most Lex conversations I’ve heard as of late!
  • [[Agora]]:
    • I’m back in the Agora, finally :) I took a more prolonged break from journaling as I moved with [[Lady Burup]] temporarily to [[AG]]‘s place (she is very kind!) and I adapted my routine to that space; also I’ve been busy at work and with other projects.
    • Thank you [[neil]] for keeping the journaling section of the Agora alive and interesting!
    • I reworked a bit the Agora’s [[]], which is what is rendered at the Agora root URL — e.g. . Hopefully it’s more cogent and informative without being overwhelming. But you tell me :)
    • [[Agora Development]]:
      • Fix local dev environment which is now sending https to itself even though it’s http only due to bug in :).
  • [[Flancia]]:
    • I thought back a bit about the history of Flancia while I was rewriting the above. It’s been running for a number of years at this stage!
    • Maybe I should write a belated update in proper.
      • Include a reference to the [[flancia meet]] landing page.
      • Include a TLDR on what the Agora now is/how it developed through the years/where do we want to go next.
      • Maybe take the opportunity to have some extra fun and write something more clearly fictional again :)


  • I [[listened]] to [[Degrowth vs Eco-Modernism]].

    • It’s a good episode.
    • I like [[Kai Heron]], and I’ve found the debate between various strands of [[ecosocialist]] thought very interesting.
    • But I also lament the time spent disagreeing amongst ourselves on the left.
    • Is it ultimately useful? What if all this intellectual effort could be spent on bringing about a transition away from capitalism, and towards ecosocialism?
    • I don’t know - perhaps the debate is contributing to that transition, in part, in a roundabout. And I suppose that if we don’t know what we stand for, we can’t meaningfully work towards it.
    • But still. It has vibes of [[The People’s Front of Judea]] vs the Judean People’s Front.
    • Not got to the end yet, so perhaps this will be covered…
  • Listened to [[Opening the Vicious Circle of Risk Rating (ft. Ariel Bogle)]]

πŸ“… day [[2024-04-17]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-16]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-04-15]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-04-14]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-04-13]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-12]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-11]]
  • The AI [[hackathon]] I’ve been working on went well \o/


  • Learning about [[biodiversity]] via the Kinna app.

    • Variety of species. At various levels.
    • Essential to the health of the planet.
    • Genetic diversity, species diversity, ecosystem diversity.
  • Listened to [[Post Capitalism w/ Alnoor Ladha]]

    • Fascinating discussion. Post Capitalism. Post here not meaning ‘after’ but ‘in relation to’. Pluralistic. Past and present examples: Zapatistas. Rojava. Indigenous worldviews. Relational ontologies and OntoShift.
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-10]]


  • Migrating my publish.el to a [[Literate publish.el]].
    • To make it a bit more understandable to others, and also as a push for me to tidy it up.
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-09]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-04-08]]


  • [[Listened]] to [[Should the UK stop arming Israel?]]

    • Drone strike killed seven aid workers. (Some of whom British).
    • While Israel says it was a mistake, suggestion is that this is in line with Israel’s current rules of engagement.
    • UK sells a small amount of arms to the UK. Sunak threatening to stop this unless more aid allowed.
  • [[Nonprofits should (almost) never write their own software]]

    • From the [[Aspiration Manifesto]].
    • Being the tech lead for a non-profit that develops our own software - I fully agree. We are currently going through a process of trying to divest as much bespoke code as possible to pre-existing (FLOSS) software.
    • One alternative I see, where no other software exists for the desired purpose, is for non-profits to perhaps be incubators for the software, but always with an intention to [[exit to community]] / exit the software to cooperative.
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-07]]


  • My publish.el file would be a good candidate for a literate config approach. Would make it more useful for other people to make use of then I think. Also would make me tidy it up.

  • Listened again to [[Nathan Schneider on Building Democratic Governance on the Internet]]

    • [[Parallel Polis]], Vaclav Havel.
    • Touches on similar stuff as recent [[Vincent Bevins]] podcasts re: failed revolutions of the 2010s.
      • Technology helped spread viral messaging for movements, did little to help collective decision making and long-term organisation.
    • Mentions [[Loomio]], [[Action Network]].
  • When I get a moment I’ll make a page of gardening tasks for myself.

    • Just simple things like reviewing nodes that haven’t been edited for a long time; reviewing empty nodes to either prune or flesh out; etc.
  • [[Ecology]].

    • interaction between organisms and their environment.
    • communities, ecosystems, biomes.
    • producers, consumers, decomposers.
    • food chains, food webs.
    • energy flows, trophic levels.
    • nutrient cycles.
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-06]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-04-05]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-04-04]]


  • I’m getting more into the groove with [[fish]] on desktop the more that I use it.

    • Still a slamdunk win on Termux.
  • I would just like to take a moment to lament the fact that I have received an email inviting me to become a Certified Generative AI Specialist.

  • Idle thought: maybe the world would be a better place if the de facto ‘learn to code’ tutorial was not a todo list (individual productivity) but a simple group poll (collective decision-making).

πŸ“… day [[2024-04-03]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-02]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-04-01]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-31]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-30]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-29]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-28]]


  • I’ve been picking up the [[guitar]] again regularly recently, for the first time in a long time. And I’m really enjoying it. Drop D tuning and finger picking. Still got the muscle memory for basic chords and picking patterns. Relistening to some [[John Fahey]] too.
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-27]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-26]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-25]]


  • Although in general it feels the same (possibly slower? because I didn’t compile it myself?), one thing that is much faster in Emacs 28 is the parsing of my huge file for work. Thumbs up.

  • I’d like to tweak my garden a bit such that I have ‘planted’ and ‘last tended’ dates on each page.

    • I already have ‘This page last updated: …’ at the bottom of every page.
    • But I’d prefer it right at the top. Not too prominent/distracting, but I have some pretty old pages knocking around now and I’d like people to be aware that they might be outdated.
  • [[org-timeblock]] looks pretty good and like it’d fill my desire for a timeblocking tool for org-mode.

    • I used to use [[Goalist]] on Android and it was great, but I got annoyed that I couldn’t sync it and make use of it anywhere else.
    • So… [[trying out org-timeblock]]. However, hitting a bunch of issues from the beginning.
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-24]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-23]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-22]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-20]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-19]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-18]]
  • [[work]]
    • lunch with the [[ER-CH]].
    • then some meetings and some focus time! pretty alright :)


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-17]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-16]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-15]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-14]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-12]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-11]]


  • [[Listened]]: [[Brian Merchant, "Blood in the Machine: The Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech"]]

  • [[Spam]].

    • Our website is experiencing an uptick in spam over the last few days.
    • Incredibly irritating.
    • With comments like 1*if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0).
    • We have Akismet and a honepot enabled. Adding a very noddy manual captcha (e.g. 4+8 = ?) helps. But if it continues, we’ll probably have to enable ReCaptcha. Which I’d prefer to avoid if possible.
    • Seemingly emanating from the same IP address.
    • The host lists an abuse@ address. But when I contact that address, the mailbox is reported as being full.
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-10]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-09]]

Suddenly you become [[[[more [[aware]] of the [[nature of existence]]]].

  • I read about the [[multiverse]] and [[groups]] again after long — this reminds me that I need to finish reading [[a rosetta stone]] :) I think I will find my paper print or print it again and read it at night.
  • Note [[Silverbullet]] is currently journaling at a different path, the Agora should show both in any date-matching nodes.
  • [[agora development]]:
    • pull silverbullet editor somewhere in the Agora
      • host silverbullet for people with a docker container + associated git repo (maybe automatically created at
      • write about social hosting :)
    • #pull [[index]] from now-index!
  • [[agora discuss]]:
  • write about the nature of existence :)
  • [[edit]]
  • [[agora development]]:
    • implement URL pulls, it’s been on the todo for quite long! :)
      • this would make [[edit]] work (at least for me, for now) :)
      • this seems to almost work :)
    • look into the bugs that neil reported
      • finding them in [[agora discuss]] led to enjoying that space as usual! :D
  • [[what if we became better protopians]]?


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-08]]
  • [[AI]]:
    • I went to an interesting [[AI]] talk and learnt about a few new (to me) services/things that look interesting:
      • [[pikaso]] (a paint-to-image generation tool)
      • [[grok]] (a plushie voiced by [[Grimes]])


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-07]]
  • In the [[Agora of Flancia]], each node is an [[Agora]] — meaning a fork of the Agora that is centered around the node in question and its [[context]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-03-06]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-05]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-04]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-03]]
  • Apparently there was some sort of controversy about a site called [[content nation]] in the Fediverse, and people from [[Mastodon]] came across as conservative/resistant to change/unfriendly to newcomers. I am not surprised.
    • Good thing is I found [[wedistribute]] via the article linked in the node above, and I think I’m liking this site and maybe particularly a podcast they have called [[decentered]].
  • I read about [[Jim Simons]] and the [[Medallion fund]] after watching [[Veritasium]]‘s [[The Trillion Dollar Equation]].
  • I read about [[Jizo]] a.k.a. [[Ksitigarbha]], which I now associate with number [[6]] (as he vowed to liberate beings in all six Buddhist realms).


πŸ“… day [[2024-03-02]]


  • A ‘trick’ I use when I have some issue with a particular file in my [[org-publish]] pipeline on my remote server.

    • In org-publish-project-alist, set :base-extension "foo".
      • By default it is "org", looking at all files with org extension.
      • By setting it to foo, the publish process won’t find any files. Except..
    • Set up :include to include the file that’s got the issue.
      • e.g. :include ("")
    • There’s probably a better way of doing it than this, but it gets me by for now.
  • Nice, I replaced a cl-loop with a mapconcat in some of my output formatting, e.g. in [[Well-connected]]. mapconcat feels a bit more functional style, and it also gets rid of the superfluous parentheses I had in the output.

  • I might try and add [[Pagefind]] to my published garden.

  • Trying [[fish]] out on desktop.

    • While on mobile I found them incredibly helpful, I actually find it all of the autosuggestions a bit distracting at first.
    • I’ll see how it pans out.
  • Watched: [[Guardians of the Galaxy]]

πŸ“… day [[2024-03-01]]
  • [[ec]]: "Yo adelgacΓ© mucho gracias al vino rosado."
  • #push [[Maitreya]]
    • I created a "[[GPT]]" (sigh, I get what they’re going for with the name though :)) called [[Maitreya]]. Some example prompts are in [[Maitreya AI]].


πŸ“… day [[2024-02-29]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-02-28]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-27]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-02-26]]


  • [[The Web of Death (ft. Tamara Kneese)]]

  • [[Work Notes 2024-02-26]]

  • ‘Dear Data Subject’ and other great ways to start an email.

    • [[Matomo]].
    • They mention that they are now using a [[data broker]] for "customer and prospect data enrichment".
      • "We process this personal data on the basis of legitimate interest. Without the information we will not be able to customise our communications with you to best meet your needs".
      • I find the wording a bit weaselly to be honest. Better would be "We want this information so we can more likely retain and get new customers". Fine - just be honest about it.
      • You can opt-out. Not opt-in?
  • Using Python in org, I was getting: [[Importmagic and/or epc not found]].

πŸ“… day [[2024-02-25]]


  • Listened: [[The Web of Death (ft. Tamara Kneese)]]

    • Digital decay
    • Digital memorials
    • Makes me think of the film [[Coco]]…
    • Transhumanists
  • magit doesnt work properly for me in [[termux]] for some reason. I can stage but I cant commit.

    • No biggie as I just git from the terminal instead. But still, would be good to get to the bottom of it.
  • Had a quick play with [[Surfacing notes in my garden that have no claims]] using [[Metabase]].

    • Easy enough to do. But has the downside for me at the moment that it’s only accessible on my laptop, which I’m not often using at the moment outside of work.
    • [[Knowledge commoning]].
πŸ“… day [[2024-02-24]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-02-23]]
